Who Doesn't Love Drama- Chapter Twenty Eight

Começar do início

I'm fine, how is Liam?

Zayn knew Louis likes proper grammar, so when they are texting, Zayn will do grammar, just for Lou.

He's fine, downstairs talking to both my parents, Dad and Liam are yelling.

:( That's too bad, I'm sure your family will be fine.

Yeah, how's Sam?

He's fine

That's good, I miss you, I'm sorry, this is all my fault

No, Lou, this isn't your fault, Liam and I both love you very much, so sometimes that causes us to do crazy things, because we both think we know what's best for you, even through we don't.

So you don't hate me?

No I could never hate you

Am I still allowed to see you at school?

Of course! I will look forward to school now!

Really? I love you

Zayn was in the hospital room, his brother sound asleep in the bed, his mother at work, Zayn smiled at the text, Louis loved him, sure they both knew it, they have also said it, but there was just something amazing about Louis, something that Zayn knew about, and he couldn't ever let that thing go.

Really, you love me?

Yeah, I'm sorry, did I scare you?

No, its a good thing you love me, because love you too, even more actually.


Impossible spells I'm possible, so there we go, I can love you more than you love me.

No, because I love you more than...

Louis had to think about something he really loved.

Liam, I love you more than I love Liam.

Louis thought of the perfect thing to send. Zayn's phone buzzed, he looked down, 'I love you more than Liam' More than Liam this was huge, Louis loved Liam a lot, so admitting to loving someone more than he loved Liam, wow, Zayn was special, Zayn looked from the phone in his lap, up to his little brother in a dark room, attached to machines, doing everything for him, they need to operate on Sam, he is starting to lose function of many things, his speech is slurred, his left eye is always almost closed, his breathing is becoming harder, he can hardly swallow, does he love Louis more than Sam?

Really? That's a lot.

Zayn replied, he couldn't tell who he loved more- did this make him a bad person?- no- right?

It is a lot, but I love you a lot, so it works out, its different kinds of love, with Liam I don't think about kissing Liam, with you, I do.

So maybe he loves Sam and Louis the same? He feels like absolute crap, Louis can say Love, Zayn can't.

:) You are beautiful, I don't know if anyone told you that today, but I could say it all day, everyday.

You are hansom, to the point that anyone that doesn't find you hansom, they are crazy.

I love you

I love you more!

I think we have already been over who loves who more.

Zayn typed, Louis smiled, he had the perfect reply.

I think we should just say we love each other equally.

Louis typed, looked at it, and decided to hit send, smiling at the reply, Zayn got it, smiled at the reply as well.

Okay, as long as I can call you my boyfriend, I think I'll be fine :)

The conversation continued like that, before Zayn had to stop, it was nearly one in the morning, when Liam came into his room, "Louis, I have a plan so you never have to see Zayn ever again."


OOh what's the plan? So here's this chapter, I will either update after five votes and three comments, or in a week or so, which ever comes first, or which ever I can do.

I start high school in six days, I'll post this before my first day, any tips for me? Thanks, it will get you one comment closer to three, well, I am really hyper, so I need to go calm down I think, no! Get that image out of you mind dirty perverts!



Little Bit Of Hope (Zouis)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora