- I live in Lebanon, where else!?

- Well, I am half Lebanese & half Canadian & I live in UAE, Dubai. (A/N: since literally no one knows what the heck UAE is! BTW FYI its capital is actually is Abu Dhabi, I have done my research.)

- Well that's something

-I have a complicated life

-I have a complex mind.


-do you have kik

When he asked that, my heart stopped for a second. I re-read the message. I was nervous, my heart was beating fast. I have no idea why, but I mean come on guys if some guy suddenly goes like I want to talk to you on Kik what will you do.

Okay, fine I am over reacting.

-yes, I do.
And I gave him my name. I got a Hey on Kik. I pressed start chat & wrote back a Hello.

Adam: so tell me a bit more about you. That if you want to.

Me: what do you want to know.

Adam: What time is it over there?

Me: 5:51 am

Adam: obviously

Me: your name on kik is ..different yes I was being my observant self. *poker face*

Adam: yeah, it's actually Mallk Adam is my pseudo name

Me: aha. ok!

it might be appropriate to say right now to say that he is answering much faster right now...like within seconds...and that's how ladies you grab a guys attention. Be jealous I won't tell you the secrete ;) even if I know it; which I don't, I know I have a pathetic life. But hey I got his attention ...like a boss :)

Me: well I have to go, I am at school and people are starting to show up so yeah :)

Adam:...Mallak: oh, well it was nice speaking to you, I would love to do that again...if you want?

hmm...do I want to? and so I replied with we'll see. you always gotta leave a guy hanging ;) apparently, it's good for their ego. Don't ask me it's my friend who said that!


"Sup gurrrl?" asked Rebecca.

"All good," I said quietly while listening the blasting music in my ears.

"You know I still can't figure out how you still know what I am saying while listening to that deafening beat.

"Simple," I answered with a smile appearing on my face. "I can read lips."

"Whatever," she said with a roll of eyes. "So , have any food?"

I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at her, seriously in Gods freaking morning...!!!

She raised her hands in surrender understanding what I was thinking.

"Yo guys...food?" asked Lexi.

"Well good morning to you too," said Rebecca.

"Good morning," said Lexi with a roll of her eyes."Sarah, food?"

"What is this, Africans starverty?" I said and started walking to my locker as school started filling up.

The girls followed me speaking amongst themselves and I was met with Maria and Jasmine.

"Al salamu alykum,(hello, *in Arabic*)," said Maria.

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