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Do you know that feeling, when you wake up at like 5 pm and you don't feel right? Like something is wrong; a constant pounding on your head, but not exactly a headache. You would most probably go and sit on the sofa simply staring at the wall, or you would go eat or drink something; you'd treat it like a hangover.

Or when you wake up early morning, on the first day of the summer holiday? You will most probably curse the school for doing this to you. After that, you'd either go back to bed make it your mission to wake up late, or you would go watch T.V or open your phone.

Me, well I wake up and get the mirror beside my table  I would put it under my sister's nose and check if there is a fog left behind. If there is I happily say, she is breathing. It's a very small mirror and broken, I only use it for that purpose.

Now you might think, what a creep!  Or you would think, Awn the poor little thing (she is four years old) is sick or something.

No, no you guys my sister is fine. She's in a better place. (No she is not dead). Geesh your thoughts!

However, you guys are wondering why would I do that. Patients my lovelys', patients.

Well here goes nothing.

Do you know that in America if your parents physically abuse you, you could call the cops on them and they would get arrested?
Well, guys, I don't have that luxury; I used to but not anymore.

My name is Sarah, and I am 16 years old. I am an American, I was born there. But I have a Lebanese father and a Canadian mother. I Lived in America for the first five years of my life. My parents abused me.

Me, being young, I didn't know it wasn't a normal thing. I thought that that's how parents treated their children. I thought that it's normal to beat (hit) a person. They said it's to make me a better person, to teach me a lesson. I haven't really been outside my house and my neighborhood isn't really that pleasant.

When I got to the appropriate age to go to school, they took me to this wonderful school. There were slides, swings and so much more and a sandbox to play with (every child's dream). It looked beautiful. I was so excited to go to school.

They had to take me or child services would have come the children there beat me up. My parents at home also beat me up.

At the end of the second semester, the teacher asked me why my parents don't come to any of the meetings or complain. I told her because they said that they were trying to teach me a lesson.

She had this confused face and asked if she can I come to my house. I said I'll tell my parents. And that's what I did. The next thing I know my mother is dragging me around and my father is cleaning the house. They screamed at me a lot and hit me every chance they got.

I remember thinking, what have I done. I am a bad person, they do it to teach me a lesson. And so I slapped myself.

Then we heard the door bell, and when I opened it, my teacher was there with two other men. Mother greeted her we sat in the living room my father told me to try to do my homework so later we could go to the park like always.

We never went to the park. My parents never lied to me (when they say they would hit they would) so I smiled and went to do my homework.

A while later mother came in, told me to tell nobody that they hit me. I was confused. They left me in the living room with the two guys and my teacher. I told her I was so happy to see her, I really was, I was also excited to go to the park for the first time. I was thinking the park is somewhere like school so I was happy.

"These two gentlemen want to ask you a few questions is that okay? " she said sweetly. I nodded.

Man no.1, "do your parents hit you or something?"

I remembered my mother's words and I answered with a no.

"Are you lying sweety?" Said, my teacher. I shook my head no. That was the second lie in my life.

Man no.2, "do they do anything wrong? "

"No," I answered truthfully.

I was thinking what they did is to teach me a lesson. They asked me a series of questions. Why do I have bruises? I told them because I got hit by the children and that I am clumsy which was part truth, but I didn't think that at that time. They asked a lot of stuff I don't remember.

The next day, we traveled to Canada.

That was the first time I lied. I became so good at it that a freaking lie detector wont detect it. Trust me I know cause I have been in such situation. Stop asking you curious minds, you will know about that later. However, I promise not to write any lie and tell you the truth and full truth.

My story is pretty long and it's messed up. All I could say is if I survived it you could.

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