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He Almost Saw.

Belle laughed as the birds flew into her hands, picking and eating the seeds. Belle had been non-stop wanting to be outside, now after the snow had melted a little she was always outside. Belle let the colored birds eat the seeds off of the snow as she stood up and looked at the snow covered forest, she could see the snow cloud over the other parts of the forest, the blizzard was still moving. Belle looked around and saw a stable. Belle turned to look a Beast, he wasn't paying attention to her as he was reading again.

"Kole, do you have horses?"

Belle asks with her small voice. Beast looked up and Belle looked away, and focused on the stable.

"Yes, would you like to go for a ride one day?"

"I would love that, may I meet them?"


Belle hears Beast close his book and stand, his feet crunch as he walks on the snow while Belle's feet are light and dance on top of the snow. She follows Beast to the stable, he pushes open the door and Belle walks past him.

"Wow, they're beautiful"

Belle admired the four black horses on the left, and four white horses on the right. Her favorite horses were always the white one, they looked so pure. Belle walks over to Maximus' stable. She stroked his nose, this was her horse. She had always had a connection and could choose one with a great personality and this was him.

Beast admired her, even though he couldn't see her face he watched as her small hands stroked the massive horse. Beast wanted more than anything to show her his forest, and go for a ride but it was still too dangerous with the blizzard still near. Maximus neighs as she scratches his ear, Beast laughs a little.

"He likes you"

Belle laughs, Beast closed his eyes to savor the beautiful, sweet sound that she made.

"I like him too"

Beast shows Belle around the rest of the stable, after awhile they both went back inside to warm up and eat lunch. Belle sat across from Beast at the table, they both ate quietly. Beast wanted to create a conversation, but he only think of one question and he had to ask.

"Why do you always wear your cloak?"

Belle stops and pauses midway with her fork and beans. She places the fork back down on the plate and breathes. Belle considers if she should tell him, it wouldn't hurt. Belle contemplates for a few seconds and gives in, Beast has never lied to her so she won't lie to him.

"My parents gave it to me when I was fourteen and told me no matter what, never show my face to anyone. Only close friends and family, but I have no family and no close friends, so I wear it all the time."

Beast was shocked with what she said, he would have never expected that to be said.

"Well if you agree, I think I'm your friend. Over time though we will get to know each other better, hopefully"

"I would like that"

Both Beast and Belle resumed with eating, Belle couldn't believe he took her secret so easily and calmly. Which only means that he has a secret too, but Belle didn't want to ask, because later on she would find out. When Beast and Belle finished Beast thought of an idea. He knew that Belle liked books, and he wanted to show her the library. Beast stood up and held his hand out for Belle. Belle looked at his calloused hand, she gently placed her in his. They fit perfectly together, it made her smile. She followed him, after walking around corridors and up stairs Beast finally told Belle that they were there.

"Where are we?"

"Close your eyes, and when I say open, open then okay?"


Belle was hesitant but wanted to trust the Beast that she knew as Kole. She closed her eyes while the Beast led her into his library. He closed the door, and whipped the curtains opened, Belle continues to look down so the Beast wouldn't see her face.

"Okay, open them"

Belle opens her eyes and slowly moves her hood back so she can see. She gasps and smiles as she sees the sea of books, from the floor to the roof. Shelves everywhere, full of books. Belle didn't realize that Beast was staring at her face the whole time. He admired her beauty and wanted more than anything to look into her eyes. Belle walked up to the shelves and the first book she saw was The Rabbit. He watched as her mouth moved with the words. Beast looked at his library, he had built up over the years. Belle put the book back into his place, she looked at Beast and as soon she did he looked at her. She looked away instantly and placed her hood back over her face.

She breathed, praying in her head that he didn't see her face long enough for it to change him.

"It's magnificent Kole"

Belle says and tries to ignore what could have possibly happened.

"Thank you, for the time you are here you are welcomed to it whenever you would like"

"Thank you, that is very kind"

Belle walked up to Beast and did something she wouldn't expect herself; she hugged him. He didn't hug back at first but soon his muscular arms wrapped around Belle's small frame. She leaned back and kissed his cheek before she walked away and went up the stairs to explore the rest of the library. Beast felt the fluttering feeling his heart and stomach, he still didn't understand the feeling but was soon growing accustomed to it, and even starting to enjoy it.

Beast left the library to check on the dresses that Potts was making. She was beginning to make a beautiful gold dress for Belle, because Beast wanted to create a nice romantic night.

"Don't forget to include a hood, you know how she is"

"Yes Master"

Beast smiles with excitement and walks back out to the ballroom. Everyone has cleaned so his castle is more presentable for Belle. Beast stands up close to the window wall and looks out, he's afraid when the blizzard passes that Belle will leave and never return. He wants Belle to stay and never leave but he would never keep her prisoner here. He looks down and sees the infamous red cloak next to the apple tree, she reaches up and the hood falls in the process. Belle finally grabs the top and last red apple that she wanted, she places it in the woven basket and looks around. She contemplates putting back on the hood, she checks again and leaves it off. She kneels in the snow and begins to build a small snowman. She hasn't done it since she was a child, when the snowman was finished she smiled and made a cute face at it. Beast watched her, amazed at how pure and innocent she was, he had never seen someone so beautiful inside and out.

Belle breathes and places her hood back over her face, she picked up her woven basket and walked back into the castle to begin for bed.

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