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Belle had breakfast and was given clothes by Potts. Belle was given a room -the one she woke up in- with its own walk in closet and bathroom. Belle took a shower, she was given toiletries, shampoo and conditioner, bath soap, and every necessity that she would need. Belle dried her long brown hair and brushed it. She french braided and looked up from the ground. Learning to live to not look anyone in the face, she forgets to look up when she's alone or in the bathroom. She gasps as she sees how much she has aged. The last time she truly looked at herself was when she was sixteen, now at the age of nineteen she was older, fully mature and grown. She walked up to the mirror and looked closely at her button nose, the tiny freckles under her eyes but above her cheeks. Her bold bright blue eyes stood out against her pale white skin. Belle blinked, she couldn't believe how different and grown she was now. It felt as if just yesterday she was fourteen and was given her red cloak. Belle thought to herself, her parents telling her close friends but these people weren't friends they were strangers, but could she live with them for two months and never show her face. Give it time, see how it works out for a few weeks and see if you can trust these people Belle thought to herself. It was now late at night, it was dark and quiet. Belle hangs her cloak on the wardrobe door and wraps herself in the woven quilt that was on the king size bed.

Belle tip toed down the stairs and went into the living room, she sat in the brown leather chair, and snuggling into the heat that came from the fireplace. She didn't realize that the strange man was in here until she heard him clear his throat. Belle gasped and hid underneath the blanket so she wouldn't look at him and he wouldn't look at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here"

"It fine, you don't have to hide. We won't hurt you"

"Just... just don't look at me, okay?"

"Okay, I promise I won't look at you"

Belle breathes in a deep breath before she uncovers herself and peeks out. He was busy reading a book to look to at her. She looked a little closer at him before she full oncovered her face, he said that she could call him what she would like. When she thinks of him, one name comes to her mind.


She speaks out.

Beast is shocked of how she could know his name, he's never told anyone is actual name, how in the world could she know it. He wants to look at her so badly, but he knows that if he does then she'll leave the room.

"I like Kole, it works"

Belle smiles, she hasn't smiled in so long it kinda hurts her cheeks.

"What are you reading?"

Belle asks while trying to look at the book.

"The Rabbit"

Belle smiles even more.

"That's my favorite book, I use to read it to my grandmother before she passed away"

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"It's okay. So when do you think I will be able to at least go outside?"

"The snow will melt in about a week, but the forest is too dangerous for you to go with the blizzard moving to the other parts of the forest. After about two months the blizzard and the snow will be mostly gone"


Belle looks at the fire and watches as it burns the wood, and crackles occasionally. Her eyes slowly began to close, she tried to stay awake but couldn't do it, and gave into sleep. Beast looked at Belle, she really was uncanny, he had never seen a girl -woman- so beautiful in his life. He closed his favorite book and set it down on the coffee table. He walked over and picks Belle effortlessly up and into his arms, they fit perfectly. Belle cuddles into Beast's chest, making Beast feel something in his stomach. He's never felt this sensation before and it's moving to his heart, this feeling worries him. He lays Belle gently on the sheets, he pull the comforter back and places it over her.

Beast gazes as Belle looks so peaceful while asleep. Beast turns around and catches a glimpse of the red cloak. It was a beautiful fabric but it covered her beauty, he wanted to take it and hide it. Beast considered it, but that would only make her angry and upset, and she wouldn't trust him and the Beast wanted her trust more than anything. He sighed and released the fabric from his tight grip. He looked down as he left Belle's room, he closes the door silently and walks to the one room that no one is allowed in, his office. He closes the door and walks forth, he sits on his dusty office chair. Beast never comes into his office, not since he was bit by the wolf and turned into a werewolf. His office always reminded him of his past life.

Beast sighs and stands, he goes to leave but sees something in his closet. He let's go of the doorknob and walks over to his peeking closet. He opens it and looks inside to see a sewing machine with all kinds of sewing material and fabric. Beast smiles, for the first time in a long time he truly smiles. He lift the sewing material and takes it downstairs. Beast places the sewing machine in Potts room, she wakes up to see Beast.

"Master Beast, what are you doing here?"

"Potts I found this sewing machine, I would like you to make Belle a few gowns for the outside and a few for a ball"

"Very well sir, right now?'

"No, but tomorrow"

"Yes sir".

Beast's nods and leaves Potts bedroom. He goes up to his and crawls into bed, he sleeps tonight with a small smile.

BelleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant