Chapter Forty: A Kiss on a Balcony

Start from the beginning

When I looked over it, I couldn't see the King's palace, but Reia's. This place suited her more than I could say; her brilliant shine, her gentle yet firm ground, and that bit of wonder that she cast upon people.

Is she here?

Will I find her at last?

'Let's go,' I heard a murmur at my elbow, and Morwena was pretending to bow to me. Taking the hint, I took the steps first, Sakura playing the dutiful younger sister as she followed behind. My thighs were beginning to burn as we reached the top, and red-uniformed guards saluted us as we approached.

The sweat I'd been conscious of whilst running now broke into a trickle. What if they recognised me? What if this was a big mistake...?

But the guards said nothing but respect as they took invitations from Morwena's hands and waved us in. Trying not to look shocked, Sakura took my arm and squeezed it, and we entered together like nobility, heads held high and trembling.

I could hear Morwena being ushered to a servant's hall, and glanced her way as she left. Sakura and I were alone now.

The corridor was filled with decorations, suits of armour, portraits of important people. It was a blur I couldn't afford to take time to look at; Aster and Azalea were cousins of cousins of the King, and had grown up in semi-luxury out in the Emerald district. Perhaps that was how Morwena had "acquired" their tickets. Maybe it was blackmail. I didn't intend to ask.

We arrived at another set of double doors, and two angels standing guard opened them for us. Another tripped over himself to announce our names. I played aloof and cold, but in reality I was staring in terror at the scene ahead.

Hundreds of people, crammed into one large ballroom, twirled and ate and chatted. The noise level was enormous, enough that it felt as though a hundred conversations were going on around me, but I couldn't make out the words of any. The hall was filled with orchestral music coming from the musicians in the corner, fifty to sixty angels dressed in black and white. Tables laden with food and drink were clustered against the walls, as were chairs on which angels were eating and spectating the dance floor. A lively waltz was currently playing; several confident couples whirled to a vibrant melody.

And the attire!

Everyone was dressed in finery, including the servants strolling between throngs of angels, carrying trays of glistening sweets or fizzing wines. Women wore dazzling hairpieces and red frocks, men were wearing tailcoats and bow ties.

Behind me, the announcer cleared his throat and cried, 'Aster and Azalea Lamboni of the Emerald District!'

Heads flickered in our direction as Sakura took my arm and we descended the grand staircase together. Flowers ran along the banister of the staircase, and the golden carpet looked expensive, not tacky. A flush crept across my face as the heads did not look away. In fact, more people were turning to stare at us.

'What's going on?' I whispered discreetly. 'Do they know...? Have we been exposed already?'

Sakura looked as puzzled as I did.

Foreboding filled my gut. Thankfully, the music continued to play, although the dancers had become more distracted with staring at the two newcomers than their own partner. When we reached the bottom step, I surveyed the room now at my eye level, and thought it looked even scarier in the thick of it all.

The small crowd parted and an all-too-familiar face came charging into view.

Oh god, he knows, I thought.
I tried not to let my eyes bulge as an even greasier Lord Dale swept over to my feet, and seeing his rush made me want to vomit, from revulsion and fear. Dale was from the Emerald District, for heavens' sake. He had to know what Aster and Azalea looked like, and they weren't us!

Equinox (Book One of the Firebird Chronicles) WATTY AWARD HIDDEN GEM WINNER 2015Where stories live. Discover now