Chapter 34 : Iniquity

Start from the beginning

Jessica didn't answer. Yuri pushed the door softly, "can I come in?"

Jessica nodded.

"How are you holding up?" Yuri asked.

Jessica looked down to the floor, not answering.

"Still not talking to me, huh?" Yuri said, "I've said it before... I'm sorry."

Yuri watched the silent Jessica, "Sica-ah."

No respond.

"Sica-ah," Yuri's voice trembled.

Still no respond.

"Jessica, what should I do to make you forgive me?"

Jessica didn't say anything.

"I know what I did was beyond forgiveness but I can't do anything else besides saying sorry."

Jessica looked at Yuri.

"So please help me, if I can turn the world around to the other direction and reverse the time, I would, but I can't undo what I did? so please?," Yuri

took a pause, "yell at me, punch me again but please don't act like I am not around?. Tell me what should I do."

"You're a betrayer," Jessica said, her lips were trembling.

Yuri accepted that.

"You're a liar!" Jessica roared.

"But what I feel about you is true," Yuri said. "I never once lied about my feeling about you."

"Don't," Jessica sobbed, "don't say that."

Yuri stepped closer but Jessica stretched out her hand to stop her, "I'm scared, Yuri."

Yuri took Jessica's hand.

"There's something inside me, Yuri," Jessica looked at Yuri's face, "when I was angry and I attacked you, something took control of me."

"Sica," Yuri pulled Jessica closer.

"And I let it get the best of me," Jessica refused, "I'm scared I will hurt you again."

"I don't care."

"I don't even know who I am anymore!"


"You better hate me," Jessica got weak, "hate me. I call you names, I even almost got you killed. Stay away from me. I can't stand seeing you in pain,

Yuri. With me, you will always be in pain."

Yuri whispered, "kill me again," she hugged Jessica, "because I can't live with you hating me."


Taeyeon switched around the TV channels to keep her mind away from the conversation that just happened. She sighed and she sighed. Actually she

was scared but she didn't want to show it to everyone, she wanted to stay strong.

"Taengoo," Eeteuk called her.


"Tiffany hasn't come back yet?" he asked.

"No, how long has she been gone anyway?"

Eeteuk thought, "it's been a while but she never been gone this long. Where did she go?"

"How should I know, that girl slapped me, remember, Oppa?" Taeyeon smiled.

"Well, that's your fault," Eeteuk sat down beside Taeyeon, "there must be a way."

"A way for what?"

"For you. I will search for any possibilities to kill Gaea without killing you and Jessica."

"I should've known, Oppa," Taeyeon sighed.

"About what?"

"When I was a child, I was playing in front of my orphanage and then I met a woman. She was older than me."


"She said she wanted to give me something," Taeyeon took a deep breath, "and then the next thing I know was waking up in my room."

"Do you think that was Gaea?"

Taeyeon looked down, "it was since that day I could do almost anything I want."

Eeteuk could see sadness in Taeyeon's eyes. He tapped the younger girl and smiled.

"Anyway, Reach Tiffany will you, I'm getting worried," Eeteuk stood up and climbed the stairs to his room.

Taeyeon concentrated her mind to find Tiffany. She snapped her eyes open and her heart raced. Something had happened.

"Fany-ah," she muttered and she concentrated again.

She tried to Reach Tiffany but then she stood up abruptly.

"Oppa!" she said.

"What?" Eeteuk stopped in halfway the stairs.

"I can't Reach Tiffany."

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now