Chapter 12 : Remember This Day

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Seohyun closed her notebook and stuffed it into her school bag. Her calculus teacher was still talking but she already lost interest in her school. She dropped her head on her desk, sighing. Seohyun was worried about Mother, she refused to go from the orphanage even though Seohyun's parents had agreed to take her and the children in their house.

Then she was worried about Jessica. No words from her yet and this already been the third day she was gone. They already asked the police and the

police didn't much of a help.

Mother pressed the police with questions about the people who came to the orphanage. The police only said that they were a special unit under the

world government and refused to say more. That was what makes Mother even more furious.

The school bell rang and the students rushed out of the classroom. Seohyun ignored everyone that greeted her, throwing a small insincere smile only.

She was too depressed.

She groggily walked to the school gate and found someone familiar; Yoona was at the school gate, on the phone and facing the other way.

"Unnie?" Seohyun asked.

Yoona turned around and quickly hung up her phone, "oh, Hyunnie!"

"Hey," Seohyun smiled. The first smile she did today.

"You were not supposed to find me, I'm here to surprised you!" Yoona sighed.

Seohyun smiled, "surprised me?"

"Yeah, I'm going to take you somewhere today."


"Just follow me."


Seohyun stood in front of a tower. Her mouth was wide open.

"Remember that you said you want to do something dangerous to me a while ago?" asked Yoona.

"Yes, but?," Seohyun saw a person jumped from the tower with strap on his body. He bounced when he reached the bottom and swaying in the air.

"Let's do bungee!" Yoona pulled Seohyun's hand, dragging her to the tower.

"Wait! Unnie!"

The tower was 45 metres high, stood high and mighty above a lake. Yoona pushed Seohyun to the elevator.

"Unnie, Unnie, really? I can't do this, I can't even move my legs," Seohyun crouched inside the elevator.

"Ow, come on, this would be fun," Yoona chirped.

"No, no? I think I'm gonna pass out," Seohyun began to feel dizzy.

The elevator dinged, they reached the top. There were five instructors at the top of the tower. They politely bowed at Yoona and Seohyun.

"Let's go," Yoona pulled on Seohyun's hand lightly. She led her to the platform.

Seohyun held on to Yoona's hand when she walked the iron platform. The wind was blowing so hard, and the platform seemed to be moved a bit by it.

"Unnie, Unnie, Unnie, I'm spinning," Seohyun fell on her knees.

"No, you're not," Yoona laughed, "let's do this one step at a time. First, let's get you strapped."

Seohyun was like a zombie. She was not moving when the instructors strapped the bungee cord at her.

"Omo? I still want to see the Eiffel tower? I want to go to Venice? I want to get married. Who will feed my Keroro dolls and talks to them at night? Will I

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now