Chapter 27 : A New Beginning

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Seohyun sat down on a park bench with a cup of hot coffee. It was almost December and the weather was cold so Seohyun wore her thickest jacket.

White fog came out of her mouth every time she exhaled and every time, she smiled. She loved to play with her breath.


Seohyun turned around and found her sister, Jessica, was standing with behind her, smiling. Seohyun jumped up, the coffee cup fell from hand, and she

hugged Jessica.


"Hi, Hyunnie," Jessica smiled.

They took a stroll around the busy shopping district. Seohyun linked her arm on Jessica's all the way.

"How have you been?" Jessica asked her sister.

"Great. Mother had bought a small house not far from where we live so I can always check up on her and the children," Seohyun grinned.

"How's your parents?"

"Also great. They bought me a piano," they stopped when a group of noisy teenagers walked in front of them, "I'm going to college."

Jessica butted her head to Seohyun's, gently, "you're growing up."

Seohyun chuckled, "yeah. Come by at the house, Unnie. I'll teach you to play piano."

Jessica fell silent. She played a piano once, a grand piano on an old stage of a rundown theatre hall.

"I can play a song," Jessica said.

"Really? What song?"

Jessica felt her heart stopped for a second, "I? don't know the title."

Seohyun just nodded, "play for me then. I want to hear it. Where did you learn the song anyway, Unnie?"

"I?," Jessica smiled, a painful one, "someone taught me the song."

Seohyun let out a soft laugh.

"What?" Jessica smirked.

"No, it's just you're not the type to learn musical instrument. You're better at singing. So that someone must be really someone then, or you were forced

to learn the song."

Jessica laughed with Seohyun, "I guess. I'll play the song for you. I think I'm pretty good at it."

"Play for me then, Unnie."

"Okay." They stopped at a chocolate and candies store, "want to go in?"

Seohyun nodded and pulled Jessica into the store. Jessica walked behind Seohyun who were lusting for sweets.

"How's Yoona? Is she teaching at the new orphanage?" asked Jessica.

Seohyun turned to her and suddenly went teary.


Seohyun sobbed, "I miss her."

"What do you mean you miss her?"

"The last time we were in contact was about a week ago. She said she will be busy with something so I won't be able to reach her for a while."

"Just leave her. I don't like that girl."

"Waee?" Seohyun pouted.

Because she wants you. I will not make it easy for her.

"At least you're back, Unnie. Where do you live now?"

Jessica picked out some chocolate candy for her as well, "still there, still with the people who took me from the orphanage."

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now