Chapter 30 : The YoonYul Combination

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Junsu soaked his white towel on a basin of water and ice and then he put it on his tired eyes. He sighed.

He was exhausted. His investigation was stuck. He thought if he stayed in the Central would make him a lot closer to Potentials but after a while, he only

had one encounter, plus he screwed that one up.

His mind wandered back to his old days, back when he was oblivious of the organization, the day when he was in love.

He met what he thought was his destined one. The beautiful tree months.

One night he was coming back home from the jewellery store, with a diamond ring in his pocket, he confidently walked home. He recited his proposal

words over and over again, making sure he won't stumble on words when he actually says it.

He stopped in front of his door and felt his heart racing. Slowly, he opened the door and all the good memories turned terrifying. His family was

slaughtered all over the room with one girl standing in the middle.

Junsu lifted the cold towel and threw it back into the basin, cursing.

Someone knocked on his door.


A guy peeked in, "your pick up car is here, Sir."

Junsu smiled. He walked out of his office with only mission folders in his hands.

"Man, what a spoiled brat you are."

Junsu looked around and found Seunghyun.

"Excuse me?" Junsu walked closer.

"None of my agents here need babysitter with stroller to take them home."

"None of your agents here deserve a stroller," Junsu retorted before he turned away and leave.

"I'm happy you're out of here, Junsu. Just so you know," Seunghyun said.

"I'll be back, Seunghyun, with more than just folders in my hand. I'll bring you the heads of Potentials."

Seunghyun smiled.

Seunhyun watched Junsu's disappear before he walked in to his office. He looked around.

What a plain office he said. Junsu didn't use much of the office. Seunghyun circled Junsu's desk and he found nothing. Not even a pen.

Seunghyun nodded. Junsu knew well what he's after.


Yuri's head was aching so bad. She was moving, not walking, she was flying. Then her body shook like it hit a bump on the ground.

Yuri was on some kind of a gurney and someone was pushing her. She sat up and had her lightning ready when Yoona pushed her.

"Don't move!" she hissed.

"What the hell!? Did you just hit me?" Yuri was furious, "I knew it, I knew I couldn't trust you, Princess!"

"I did, sorry. But I had to do that to get us in," Yoona whispered.

"We're in?" Yuri looked around. The interior was somewhat pretty. Blue rug and the soft paint on the wall, the long corridors with long calming blue neon

lights, "oh, we are inside."

"But you didn't have to hit me!" Yuri hissed.

"I need to make it real."

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now