Chapter 16 : Riposte

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Seunghyun regret the moment Junsu came to his office door saying he caught one of the Thirteen, Siwon nonetheless. The Thirteen has been on the

most wanted list of the organization for years. The Thirteen always interferes with every mission the organization has set out to do. The worst was two

years ago, at Jejudo. The world cursed of what happened that time.

Now, Junsu locked Siwon at the basement, third basement, the only basement covered with thick iron layered walls to prevent the Gifted of breaking out

flying through the walls. But that room was rarely used. The Gifted were always sent directly to the Blood Facility, a place even Seunghyun didn't know

or everyone under his rank.

"Junsu had risk another open war. This time at his own headquarters," he mumbled.

Hyoyeon had response to Seunghyun's call and she was on the way to headquarters, bringing Sooyoung and Sunny with her. Seunghyun wanted all of

his best personnels available to protect this headquarters at all cost.

"Hyoyeon, where's the Princess?" asked Sooyoung, she was driving Hyoyeon's car.

"She's ready," Hyoyeon typed a message on her cell phone.

"This guy, Junsu, I never heard of him," Sunny checked her gun magazines.

"He and I go way back. We were rivals in almost every way. Junsu, I don't like how this guy operate. He always has every clearance from the high

brass to do almost everything he likes. He once used a girl as bait to lure her parents to come out," Hyoyeon sent the message.

"Really? The organization allows it?"

"Our branch didn't but the central just nod, because somehow, he never fails."

"And now to catch the rest of the Thirteen he uses Siwon as bait, at our own headquarters basement?" Sooyoung jumped in to the conversation.

Hyoyeon didn't answer. Seunghyun was afraid too. This case will blow up big if it goes wrong. Jejudo history will be repeated.


"This will be a quick in and out mission," Eeteuk explained, "we charged in, Taeyeon does what she does, and when she finds out where Siwon is, we go

there. No sidetracks!"

Everyone nodded.

"Taengoo, I want you to fly Siwon out of there because you know? we can't carry anyone when we're flying with thunder."

Taeyeon raised her thumb. She was the only who can fly without having to turn into thunder.

"The place is not the ordinary place we visit where only a unit or two is around, Oppa. There will be a platoon or more, being their headquarters and all,"

Tiffany added.

"I understand. But we can't leave Siwon to rot in there, can we?" Eeteuk smiled.

"I'll be fine," Yuri looked to Tiffany.

"It's not you I'm worried about."

Yuri sneered.

"I'll be quick," Taeyeon grinned.

"Okay," Eeteuk turned to Jessica, "Jessica, you'll be?."

"Staying here with Tiffany," Yuri answered for her.

"What?" Jessica frowned.

"You'll stay here," Yuri had a stern look on her face.

"But maybe I can?," Yuri stopped her.

"You're not ready," Yuri turned to Eeteuk, "she's not ready."

"Of course," Eeteuk smiled.

Taeyeon clapped her hand, "we must hurry."

Eeteuk stood up, "let's go then."

Three of them walked to the gazebo, hopped down to the prairie and then disappear, turned to lightning that shot up to the sky with a deafening sound.

The ground under Jessica's feet trembled a bit.

"Okay," Tiffany sighed, "I'm going to go too."


"The church."


Tiffany grabbed her coat, "I'm going to pray. The only thing I could do after I lost my Chrysalis."

Jessica fell silent.

"Prayer is the only thing that will definitely go through everything, Jessica. When my body and strength couldn't, my prayer will surely reach them," she

turned around and smiled.

Jessica smiled back.

"You should come. It's better than waiting in here all jumpy and nervous."

Jessica thought for a while.

"I think I'll go? with them."

Tiffany tilted her head, "you shouldn't."

"I want to protect her? them! Them with my own hands while I still can," Jessica smiled.

"Don't tell Yuri I didn't warn you," Tiffany gave her the best eye smile.

Jessica nodded and she walked to the prairie. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her feelings. She felt her whole body trembling now. The

electricity had gathered around her, slowly but each time a big amount gathered. She concentrated more on her feelings.

Just focused on the electricity inside you, but instead shooting them out, you make them throw you up.

"Okay, here we go," Jessica opened her eyes.

The electricity under her feet blew up, throwing her to the sky, so high she can't breathe right. Everything looked so small.

"I? I can do it? okay!"

Far away in front of her, she could see the clouds shone blue. Eeteuk, Taeyeon and Yuri were not far. She could catch up.

She exploded her electricity again and it threw her across the sky, flying.

"I'm not gonna go far away from you for too long, Yuri."


The Global Defence Organization - Korea Branch, Seoul, was closed down. Employees sent home early, leaving the armed agents behind, guarding

every corners and floors. Ground floor, up to the roof and down to the fifth basement was guarded heavily.

The man behind the operation was Junsu. He was standing in the ground floor lobby, behind the glass entrance door, looking to the sky. They will be

here any minute now, he said to himself.

He had broadcasted the same reports all morning to all organization agents' radio, Siwon is captured and locked down in the headquarterss, pending for

transfer to the facility, exercise extra caution. Because he knew that Eeteuk will be listening.

Eeteuk was smart enough not to come to get Siwon to the Global Defence Organization and risking a duel with hundreds of agents but he was kind

hearted enough. He will come.

The sky rumbled. The cloud shone blue. All the sign of a thunder approaching.

Suddenly three thunders struck the third floor, throwing debris all over. The platoon reacted fast, reporting what they saw over the radio and as they

were instructed, they didn't bother using their tranquilizer guns, they were using their live ammo. Because the order was simple, kill them.

"Here they come."

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now