Chapter 8 : A God Definition

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Yuri walked out of a small boutique. She was holding a shopping bag. She had bought herself a Mickey Mouse tee shirt. She can't walk around Seoul

with bleeding clothes. She also got Jessica a pair of jeans and a pink tee shirt. Then she stopped at a pharmacy and bought some bandages and


They had run a couple kilometres away from the orphanage, back to the city, the crowded area of Seoul. Yuri brought Jessica to her temporary hideout,

a place she used to run to when she was a child.

Yuri turned to a small alley when she reached an old abandoned building. Yuri slid inside a small crack on the wall. The crack led her inside the old

building. It was dark at noon, more so at night, but Yuri knew her way exactly. She walked a small staircase leading to a small wooden door. She

pushed it open.

On the other side of the door, a theatre hall came to sight. There was a big stage in front of red audience chairs that lined up on each side. Everything

was in bad condition. The hall used to hold big royal performances. Drama play for nobles, but now it was nothing more than a dusty old building. The

only thing that seemed quite new and well maintained was a grand piano above the stage. It was white and elegant. Yuri came to theatre from time to

time to just play on the piano. She only knew one song though.

Behind the grand piano, a girl was sitting hugging her own knees. "Jessica," Yuri called to her.

Jessica looked at Yuri with her weary eyes.

"I got you some clothes? I don't know your size so I matched it with mine and I? don't know your favourite colour so I got you a pink one, I hope it's

okay. You can't walk around in you pyjama," Yuri put the shopping bag in front of Jessica. She took the clothes and slowly put it beside Jessica.

"There is some curry bread too. You should eat," Yuri took her Mickey Mouse tee shirt and two curry breads and walked to the other side of the stage.

Jessica slowly peeked inside the shopping bag. She sighed. Yuri doesn't seem like a bad person. Maybe she can trust her. But still, she was worry. Or

maybe I could know her better? She saved me in some way after all.

Jessica took the pink tee shirt and the jeans. She went behind the piano to change. It was hard to change clothes with eyes looking straight to Yuri,

worried if she'll take a peek or not.

Yuri sat down and pulled the antiseptic bottle and a clean bandage. She pulled her shirt up a bit, revealing her wound. It was already healing, but Yuri

needed to clean it, she doesn't want an infection. Yuri flinched when the alcohol touched her wound.

"I've met you, haven't I?" Yuri looked back to Jessica and found her half naked.

"Don't look!" Jessica screamed.

"Sorry!" Yuri snapped her head away. Her heart suddenly beat faster. "I was saying?," she stuttered, "I've met you? at the basketball court? it was

you, right?"

Jessica didn't answer.

"Jessica? Are you?," Yuri's stopped when Jessica's hands touched her. Jessica took over the bandage.

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now