Chapter 0 : Memories

Start from the beginning


Each one chose a different road.

Sunny was pointing a gun to a guy, her best friend.

"I'm sorry it had to come down to this," she said.

"I can't let you take her," the guy said.

"It's my job to take her," Sunny was firm with her words, "and yours too, Oppa."

The guy looked down to the floor, "she's like my sister. I can't let you take her to the facility."

"Oppa, don't make it harder," Sunny pleaded, "I came alone because I don't want to put you in trouble, please."

"You can't."

"They'll cure her at the facility."




The guy jumped at Sunny, they fell on the floor, struggling. The guy punched her at her face and successfully stripped Sunny from her gun.

"She's my sister!"

"Wake up, Oppa! She's a Gifted!"

The guy swung his elbow across Sunny's face and planted a kick on her stomach. Sunny lost her balance.

"She's raw! She doesn't even know what she is yet!"

A hard blow landed on Sunny's head. She was disoriented by the blow and in her confusion, a cable wrapped on her neck, choking her.

"You're not taking her!"

Sunny struggled to break free but it was futile. "Oppa."

She almost lost her breath when her hand touched her gun. Desperately, she grabbed the gun and shot her friend.

The guy stumbled back and fell. Sunny gasped for air, her gun still at the ready.

"Sunny?," the guy gritted his teeth, "spare her."

Sunny was shocked. She just shot her own best friend.

"Remember your own family," the guy said under his breath, "Yoona is my only family."

Sunny dropped to her knees, "damn it, Oppa. Why'd you have to do this?"

"Keep her safe? for me," then he stopped moving.

Sunny threw away her gun and her body trembled in fear.


Sunny turned around to see a girl, standing in horror, crying.


Some started at the same line.

Seunghyun watched his superior standing in the stairs looking down to a young guy.

"I want in!" the young guy shouted.

His shirt was covered in blood and his face showed a great terror.

"This is not child's play! Go back home!"

"I don't have a home anymore! Gaea destroyed it! I want in whatever you're in, Uncle!"

The older guy lost in his thought.

"Come on," the younger guy pleaded, "she killed my whole family. Your family."

Seunghyun watced his superior walked down the stairs and looked his niece in his eyes.

"Prove yourself worthy, Junsu."

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWhere stories live. Discover now