Chapter 13 : Etude

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It was hard not to laugh but Jessica managed to stay calm. She was happy. Happy? A girl was checking her out and she was happy?

Jessica shook her head and concentrate again. She was not sure what she was doing but a spark flew from her hand, struck a tree behind them and

made the branches fell on Yuri's head.

"Ya!" Yuri dodged the branches.

Jessica laughed hard, "omo! Sorry!"

"Don't laugh at your teacher!"

Jessica laughed even harder.

"Yo! You two!" Eeteuk came at them with a girl bicycle, "break! Let's eat lunch."

He parked the bicycle on a tree. On the bicycle shopping cart was a picnic bucket.

"I made sandwiches," he took three sandwiches. "Here."

"Oppa, I don't think you should cook. We know what your food tastes like."

Eeteuk forced the sandwiches to Jessica and Yuri's hand.

Jessica was confused. Aside from her visions, Eeteuk was a weird guy, he made a funny looking sandwich, rode around a woman bicycle and he was

really good looking, nice dresser and a kind guy. Why did Jessica feel that Eeteuk going to harm her?

Maybe the visions wrong? Besides she stopped having those visions and dreams. Maybe she could know Eeteuk a bit more.

"You made it yourself, Eeteuk-ssi?" Jessica looked at the sandwich. It looked delicious.

"You can call me oppa like everyone else," Eeteuk smiled.

Yuri took a bite and then she coughed, "Oppa!"


Yuri fell on her knees and laughed, "I told you not to make food anymore."

"What? Why?"

"Taste it yourself," Yuri coughed again.

Eeteuk took a bite at his own sandwich. He munched it once, twice and he fell on his back, laughing.

"Aigoo, what did I make? This is not a sandwich!"

"Sica-ah, don't eat it, it tastes like rotten feet," Yuri laughed but then she saw Jessica was already took a bite and she was also laughing.

"Oppa! Oppa! You just killed Jessica!" Yuri laughed harder.

Eeteuk rolled on the ground, holding his stomach, laughing hard.

"This taste just like my sandwich would taste," Jessica said.

Eeteuk burst into laugh again and high fived with Jessica. "You can't cook either?"

Jessica nodded, "I can't even tell between cooking oil and vinegar," and laughter broke again.

Maybe Eeteuk is not that bad of a person? besides, I've stopped seeing those dreams.

"Aigoo, I should tell Tiffany and Taeyeon that my sandwiches are failed," Eeteuk stood up.

"Good thing we brought reinforcement," Tiffany and Taeyeon came up to them with another bucket of foods.

"Hi, Jessica," Taeyeon nodded a bit to Jessica.

"Annyeong," Jessica nodded back.

"Sorry for scaring you back then with my Reach," Taeyeon smiled.

The five of them then sat around in a circle, eating burgers that Taeyeon made because apparently, Tiffany couldn't cook like Eeteuk and Jessica. They

[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic, TaeNy, YoonHyunWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt