The Dragon Riders and the Prophecy Unfolds

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"Hermoine get back here." Charlie said from behind her.

"It's ok Charlie, I think it was trying in its way to be, well a pet." Hermoine said still scared but unsure of her next move.

"It also might be trying to think if you would taste better raw or charcoal!" Charlie said.

"Hermoine Weasley! Get back here!" Ron said looking at the great beast and his small wife beside it.

"Relax and hush both of you." Hermoine said frowning never taking her eyes off the dragon. Next she placed her hand on the beast and did a variation of the spell she had worked on the dragon that Charlie had ridden. The beast raised its head again and its long neck swooped down to where it was mere inches in front of her face. It blinked twice and looked toward the dragons behind it. Hermoine could almost feel what it was thinking and then the head swiveled around to look at her once again. She did one more elaborate spell and reins appeared on the dragon with the ends tied to either side of the beast's head onto horns that grew out the sides like the picture she had seen in the books in Professor Binns class.

Harry was sitting in his office talking to Ginny when he suddenly got a vision of Hermoine climbing up on the back of the Ukrainian Ironbelly while he was taking a drink of his tea and almost choked before he turned into a phoenix and vanished in front of his wife.

Hermoine had indeed climbed up on back of the beast with Ron and Charlie trying to get her to stop. Ron at one point went forward only to have the Dragon turn in his direction threatening fire that never came. Hermoine was nervous and scared but she remembered watching Charlie riding the Dragon that year and how wonderful it looked. She grabbed both reins in her hands having holstered her wand and instead of saying a word, she did like Charlie had said and thought just about the joy of flying and felt the great beast make it to its feet and crouch.

With a great lunge it was airborne and flying upwards and Hermoine was holding on for dear life and felt the wind in her face whipping her hair out behind her. As she climbed higher the dragon turned slowly to the left as she was pulling on that rein more and she remembered the riding lessons her parents had made her take when she was younger and thought how funny it was that those lessons were now going to come in handy.

She let the dragon have its head as it straightened out and an arrow flew by her and as she looked down over the beast's neck she knew she was going to be sick. She was past the walls of the castle and some of those down there had brooms and were on their way up. She steeled herself and shook her head, she was now a Weasley and she had been chosen for Griffindore for a reason she thought as she gritted her teeth.

Wrapping both reins around her hands and leaning forward she put the Dragon in a steep dive and as she swooped down on those coming up the beast blew out a thirty foot flame causing five of the twelve to dive for the ground and one was roasted to a crisp, another man was grabbed from his broom by the long claws of the beast as Hermoine pulled back on the reins at the last second leaving her only two foot off the ground.

The Dragon again blasted a thirty foot flame sweeping it across those on the other side of the wall and bulling into quite a few of the enemy there too that were trying to get out of the way and Hermoine could hear the crunching of the bones of those the dragon was mowing down and pulled back on the reins turning it to fly back over the walls of Hogwarts and near the front doors of the castle.

The dragon came down and landed heavily jarring her insides and almost throwing her from its back as it slid to a stop in front of the great double doors. Hermoine slowly patted the beast and slid down its side to the ground and with a noticeable look of dizziness to the way she was walking finally fell into her husbands arms who in turn almost tumbled to the ground with her.

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