Chapter Five | You're Safe Now

Start from the beginning

"Okay, if we don't figure out what's wrong with her, who knows what will happen." Lauren says as she begins to tear up. "I hate seeing her like this, and I hate just standing here absolutely clueless." The older midfielder says, as tears begin to fall. I pull her into a hug.

"We'll figure this out, Lauren. I promise she'll be okay she probably just needs some space." I say, my voice just above a whisper. I look at Lauren and she just nods her head up and down.

"Needs some space? Alex, you know better then that. How long could she possibly need space? It's been like three weeks already!" Amy says as she throws her hands up in the air. That earns a punch in the shoulder from Lauren. "If we're going to figure this out, we better do it now and fast." Amy says as she storms off, leaving Lauren and I standing in the parking lot.

"This is getting way out of hand." I say to Lauren as we begin to trail behind Amy as we walk into the school. "We're all under complete stress, and I just feel so helpless at this point. I'm suppose to be there for Tobin and look where I am now." I say as I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it now, we still have this whole day of school and we are already stressing about things. It's Monday morning, let's take it easy and we'll talk after school. Deal?" Lauren says as she reaches her locker, which is on the opposite side of where my locker is.

"Deal." I say as I give Lauren a slight smile. "I guess I'll see you in lunch." I say as I begin to walk away. I try listening to what Lauren told me, but it's hard not to think about Tobin and where she could possibly be. Maybe she wasn't feeling good today so she stayed home. I think to myself, yes that's probably why, and these thoughts start to calm myself down.

As I'm walking down the halls, I hear Melissa call my name. "Hey Morgan, where's your friend Tobin!" She says as she starts to laugh, not having the care in the world. She's probably praising the Lord right now because Tobin isn't at school. I just ignore Melissa as I continue walking. "I didn't say walk away dumb ass." Melissa says, and I can feel her following me. "Tobin is more shitty then you." Melissa says, and everyone around her starts to laugh, then I finally had enough. I turn around to face Melissa, my face feeling red and hot.

"You better listen to me Melissa. You better stop threatening her because she hasn't done a thing to you, or any of you! In fact, you're the shitty person in this school who deserves the absolute worse! I hope that you're having a great life! Because God damn it Melissa! You're destroying her! Can't you see what kind of pain you put her through? Can't you see what she has to fucking go through every single day of her fucking life! Do you know why she isn't here! Because you have to keep acting like a fucking bitch, and keep tearing her down. She's done! Don't you fucking get it? She's done, she can't hold on any longer because of you! Now you tell me whose the shitty person!" I scream at Melissa, more and more rage builds through my body. I look at Melissa, and she stands there absolutely quiet, not even saying a word. I feel like the whole hallway is quiet, no one dares to say a word. "Well aren't you going to say something because you have such a big mouth that is filled with shit!" I finally say, I hear a few whispers in the crowd that has formed. I scan the crowns and I see Lauren and Amy tears filling their eyes. But they both nod at me in approval.

I impatiently wait for an answer from Melissa, but she doesn't say anything not even a single word. Her eyes search the floor, and she doesn't dare look up at me. "So now you decide to shut up, when you could have done that six months ago." I say through gritted teeth, I was also trying to fight back the tears. "We're done here." I say coldly as I part through the crowd and head to my class.

Finally during lunch, as I pass by all the tables, everyone is talking about the way I finally stood up to Melissa. I guess everyone else was to afraid to do it. I join Lauren and Amy at the back table like I always do, but only this time it's different. Tobin isn't here, and I kind of wasn't looking forward to lunch because one, she wasn't here. And two, we are going to have to discuss this whole situation.

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