Oh man, he's probably going to kidnap me or something. I was being held captive by this douchebag and everyone just stood and stared in fright. I saw Gwen and Bridgette who waved goodbye to me as if they wouldn't see me again.

When we got to our destination I looked around and saw that we were in the computer lab, an empty computer lab. "I just want to say sorry for the way I acted yesterday, and you can call me Lee, if you want" he said looking down and blushing? I remembered what my aunt said about talking to people so I was going to say something to him but he cut me off.

"Look I know you can't talk, so I'm just going to say it, people think I'm a bully but I'm really not, I just like stepping over others" he said making hand gestures. This fucking idiot, that makes him a bully.

"I just want to say I li-" Before finishing his sentence I felt the urge to leave so I did. When I got to class Alejandro ran up to me and shook me, "Did he hurt you too?" He asked shaking the hell out of me.

"Leave her alone Alejandro, she can't talk remember," Heather said smirking. I took Alejandro's hands off of me and sat in my seat. I felt all eyes on me, Gwen and Bridgette looked at me in shock.

"I can't believe you made it out alive!" They both shouted.
After the teacher did the attendance we all grabbed our stuff and walked out of the class, heading to the school bus waiting for us outside. When we got on the bus I saw Lee sitting in the back of the bus, what the hell?

"Alright kids, Jose Lee, Steven, and I will be your chaperone during this trip, since they've done this before they are going to be your guides, right Boys?" she said looking at the two seniors.

"Yes ma'am," they said waving to everybody. All the seats were taken except for the one next to Duncan and the one next to Jose, Gwen and Bridgette was sitting next to each other so that leaves me with two choices, sit next to the criminal or sit next to the bully?


Jose's POV
I was talking to my bestfriend Steven about Courtney, she was different than the girls you usually meet here, "I mean there's something about her that gets your blood rushing, makes you want more of her." I said entering the school bus with him.

"Dude you literally say that about every girl you meet, what makes this one different?" he said sitting down in the back of the bus, along with me.

"She's not scared to be around me, she's able to talk to me without running away or hide from me, it's like she gets me" I said.

"You got all this feeling after getting kicked in the balls?" he said laughing.

"Yea well besides that, she talked to me like I was a normal human being and not a scary guy."

"Well maybe people won't think you're scary if you i don't know, scare them?" Steven replies back sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and turned to the window, he didn't get it. He didn't get it. Courtney could have chose to be scared like the others but she defended herself without a word, that.. was intriguing.

I saw the beautiful Latina step into the bus, her shoulder length hair swung back and fourth as she moved, her hips was talking to me, it was exotic, I whispered in Stevens ear, "That's her" I said.

"Damn she's fine," he said starring at the girl.

"Keep your filthy eyes too yourself," I said in his ear. When everybody was seated except for her, I motioned her to sit next to me but she declined my offer and sat next to Duncan instead. Damn it.

Courtney's POV
After carefully choosing, I sat next to the delinquent, he was staring at his phone, listening to music when he noticed me sitting next to him and paused the song. "Hey babe, wanted to sit next to me I see" he said winking at me, I rolled my eyes and put it in my earbuds getting ready to listen to music and take a nap.
Duncan's POV
She fell asleep faster than a speed of light. Her freckles stood out even more then, and she looked cuter than she did giving people mean glares. She started fumbling and whimpering in her sleep at that point. I could barely put out what she was saying but her facial expression looked as if she was having a nightmare.

"OK STUDENTS WE'RE HERE" the teacher yelled, making everyone wake up, including her.

Morning sunshine," her eyes widened when she woke up snuggled up to me, and she quickly got off. "What, don't tell me you didn't like snuggling," I said noticing her repulsed expression. "I was calmly sitting here and catching some few Zz's, and looking at this beautiful scenery while you were cuddling me," I said smirking. She rolled her eyes.


Courtney's POV:
I looked around and half the class was asleep, what a long ride. We arrived at the campsite, no parents was there but there were cabins. What type of camping is this? When we got out the teacher seperated us, one team in one cabin and the other in the other cabin. It was Co? damn it I hope I'm with my girls.

Alright so if I call you, you are considered Group 1
-"That's just great, I have to sleep in a room with weird goth girl and that annoying bastard.

"Deal with it Ms. Lee," the teacher replies before continuing her role call.
- "Group 1 that means winning since its number 1"
And Trent
-"Why am I always last?"

"Ok the rest of you are Group 2!
Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Ezekiel, Harold, Justin, Katie, Sadie, and Scott. Oh and before I forget, I will be the group 1's leader while Jose and Steven are group 2's leaders, everyone go to their cabin get settled and meet me back here."
Mrs.Smith said.

Great, 4 girls sharing a cabin with 8 guys, what could go wrong?

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