"What of his father? Wheres he at?" she shook her head as she began to tie the makeshift nappy onto the child. 

"Nobody knows. His mum came here a week before she died...no one else was traveling with her and she didnt talk. I think she couldnt maybe...a mute I think...so we dont even know what name she gave him. All misses Thackery ever called him was bot or child." she could see Bofur was upset at the news, but it couldnt be helped. "We believe hes roughly 2 years old..he babbles mostly, says a few words and he walks good." pulling his hat over his face to conceal how this news effected him...  Bofur felt a deep pain inside for the child. They had just finished cleaning him up and was giving him some stale bread to gnaw on when he heard Fili hollering out that it was time to go. They stood up walking towards the others, Bofur carried the child in his arms towards the awaiting boat when an idea came to him.

"Sigrid..I think its best if he stays here..maybe yeh can find him a good family that will love him." she gave him an understanding look...a cold mountain full of uncertainties was no place for a young child. Once at the boat. Sigrid reached for the child to take him from Bofur...he must have known something was up because his grip became tighter around Bofurs neck and his screams echoed across the lake. With each scream and shake of his head, Bofur felt like blades were slicing across him..but he gritted his teeth and resolve , knowing this was the best thing for the child ...prying the boy off of him. He quickly turned from the wailing boy...trying to not see the tears running down his cheeks as he screamed heart brokenly in Sigrids arms..he climbed into the boat not looking back for fear  of collapsing from his breaking heart. As the oars dipped into the water each time , he could hear the childs despair and Bofurs hand reached up to rub at his chest that had become painful with each pull of the oars. 

Fili could see how effected Bofur was by the boys cries and he reached down to place his hand onto the toy makers shoulder in comfort.

"He will be fine. Its for the best cousin." Bofur reached up placing his own hand over Filis..squeezing it briefly.

"Aye." taking a deep breath Bofur looked towards the mountain where the fate of their family and friends still remained unknown.


It was a long walk from the lake shore to the mountain, after their boat had landed on the other side of the lake....made all the more longer because of Kilis injury. On some level Fili and Kili didnt mind because they at least got to talk to the girls which seemed to help pass time along. They both held onto their hand within their own...feeling that warmth they had missed along this quest, grasping upon the others. Soft whispers that couldnt  be understood except by those it was directed towards could be heard as they traversed the rocky terrain up towards the mountain that they had all heard tales of since they were dwarflings.

Fili heard Alysis laughter chiming up his way and he glanced with a smile to see his brother beaming with love at the dark haired beauty..feeling a warmth spread through him, he peered back to his own lovely blond love..a small laugh shared between them as they traveled onwards.

"So Alysi...will you?" he looked into her silvery blue eyes..hope flaring within his own browns.

"Will I what?" her teeth worried her bottom lip between them..unsure what he was asking, but very hopeful as he blushed a bit.

"Will..will you let me court you. When this is finally over and we are settled inside..may I pursue a courtship with you?" he felt her hand tighten on his briefly then suddenly she pulled him almost off his feet as she wrapped her arms around him..swiftly dragging his lips down to hers..whispering ~Yes~ before their lips met. He was startled for a moment at her boldness, but he quickly smiled for that was one of many things he loved about her..her confidence, her cheekiness, everything about her was absolutely perfect to him. They both stood there lost in each others arms until Oins cursing broke them apart...blushing at their unbecoming display.

"Oh by Mahals faslmaganu zharmur ( mahals hairy balls)! Cant you two quit snoggin and get a moving! Some of us would like to get to the mountain before dark." he huffed loudly as he began walking once more..the others sniggered at the two lovers who blushed furiously. "They keep this up ..we wont be in that blasted mountain before dawn. Younglings." he grumped for a bit...not seeing or hearing them all laughing behind him.

Eventually  the doors came in sight..stones scattered about from the late dragons exit out of the gate. Entering they all looked around, seeing it looking deserted ..an eerie feeling casting itself around the group...ensnaring them within its grip.

"Hello! Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?" Bofur called out into the silence..praying to hear an answer as they wandered the halls. Suddenly a voice echoed to them off from a side passage.

"Wait! Wait!" it was Bilbo, sandy haired curls bouncing along his shoulders as he ran towards them panting out of breath. The group felt their spirits lift at the sight of him. "Stop! Stop! You need to go leave. We all need to leave." they all looked confused at the hobbits words as he bent over, placing his hands onto his knees, gasping for breath... thinking ~ they had just gotten here..why would they leave~. Bilbo finally gulped in enough air as he stood up to look at them in the eyes...worry written all over his features as he spoke. "I tried talking to him but he wont listen." he stammered out ..eyes falling on the three unfamiliar women briefly, but his attention was focused back onto his friends as Oin asked him what he was talking about. "Thorin! Thorin, hes been down there for days." he huffed out. "He doesnt sleep, he barely eats. Hes not been himself, not at all. Its this..." he gestures wildly around him"...its this place. I think a sickness lies upon it."

"A sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili looks very worried as he grips Alysis hand tighter in his own..a feeling of a need to protect her washed over him.

Fili looks around for any danger to them when something catches his eyes..a golden glow beckoning him and he begins to walk towards it, not letting go of Ahmis hand as he takes a closer look..vaguely hearing Bilbos shouting out his name, with the others following along in his wake. Stepping through an archway onto what appears  to be a landing  with steps leading down, they stare in shock at the sight before them. A sea of gold reflecting light from torches around the enormous chamber and walking upon it was Thorin dressed more splendidly than ever after all these years since he was sent into exile long ago by Smaug.

Thorin looked up at the sounds of gasps above and his eyes met both of his nephews..gesturing grandly with his arms out...his rich voice rolling up to them.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure, beyond sorrow and grief. Behold the great treasure horde of Thror." Thorin tosses a gem up at Fili who catches it deftly and stares at the ruby in his hand..a mesmerized look enters his face briefly and he smiles entranced by the glittering red stone. Ahmi felt a shiver run down her spine at the look upon Filis face...she knew by glancing at both of their faces it was the very thing she feared..Gold sickness was consuming them and she didnt have a clue on how to stop it or on how to save them. Hearing a  gasp behind her Ahmis eyes saw Kechis wide despairing eyes gazing down at Thorin..tears filling her green orbs at the sight of him. He didnt look like himself...his eyes were different, almost hazy and distant. Ahmi shifted her gaze to look at Kili..afraid of what she might see there...her eyes widened in surprise. He looked ...normal, as if he was unaffected by the sight before him....his eyes were not on the gold but focused on Alysi..smiling in delight at her. 

"See men hulwule (my sweet)..our home once again...Erebor." he swung her in his arms as she laughed.

In that moment Ahmis promise to save them strengthened ...there had to be a way to break this and she had to do it or die trying.


It took a while to pull everyone..especially Fili away from that golden temptress..but they all made their way down to the dining hall where Bilbo said everyone else had gathered to rest shortly ago. Entering the dark dining hall they were greeted by the other..cries of joy echoed all around the room at seeing everyone alive still. There was hearty embraces, tears, and knocking of heads as they greeted each other. Some were not to happy at the sight of the women...dont you know women should stay home protected- per Gloin...but he got over it eventually...whats done is done. Through it all Ahmi was thinking hard...knowing there had to be a way even if it looked like there was no hope..there just had to be, she knew it couldnt end like this...could it?

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