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AJ's P.o.v.
"Paige share some bitch!" I said snatching the bowl of chips from Paige's hands. "AJ there's some in the cafeteria!" She snatched them away from me again. "Paige when I want something" I snatched the bowl again "I take it" she crossed her arms and gave me a death glare. "I don't like Emma and honestly, I don't trust that bitch" I whispered to Paige. Paige smirked "Pumpkin you never like anybody but I agree, that blonde needs to get lost" I took a potato chip and bit it. "But nobody suspects of her except us. No one is going to believe us If we say she could've killed Kait" "why not?" Paige took a potato chip from the bowl and ate it. "Duh isn't it obvious?" "Yeah, you're right. No one is going to believe me because I hang with you a lot" "Excuse me!?" "Now you sound like Vicki Guerrero" I shook my head. "We have to be together in this. Emma isn't innocent and I'll prove it but I need your help" "AJ, I already told you that whenever you need to kick some one's ass, count me in" she said smirking.
Randy's P.o.v.
I'm sick and tired of seeing the same shit over and over. I can't stand watching Nikki with Dean anymore. I know I sound like a bad friend but if it wasn't for Paige & AJ, Nikki wouldn't be sleeping in the same room with Dean.
Joey Mercury's P.o.v
Me & Joey were guarding outside the police station. "Hey, Joey?" "Yes Jaime?" I asked "You know you're my best friend right?" "Yeah" "Well I know you and Melina liked each other back then but I actually slept with her once.." "What the fuck Jaime!? I thought we were friends? Why do you tell me this now!?" "Listen Joey, I know you're mad but I had to come clean before we die in the apocalypse." I groaned "Joey we're still friends, it was a one time thing. Remember our motto 'bros before hoes' just let it go" "First of all we aren't bros but yeah that was our motto before you fucked with my Mrlina and second of all you're not Elsa!" "So we're good?" "Fuck you Jaime" I mumbled "Glad we're still buds" "Hey Jaime I'm gonna get get me a beer want me to bring you one?" "Yeah just hurry your ass up because it isn't safe with someone alone out here" I rolled my eyes and went to the police's cafeteria. These police officers drank beer during working hours but they complain when we drink and drive. I went back outside "Jaime, I didn't find budlight but I did find out the modelo kind- Jaime?" He was sitting down on a chair. "Jaime? Are you ok?" I moved him and then his head fell off "HOLLY FUCK!!! STEPHANIE!!! HUNTER!!!" I ran back inside.
Paige's P.o.v.
"Damn AJ, I can't believe you like watching Nightmare on Elm street when zombies are invading" "Damn Paige, I can't belive you still wear make up. No zombie is going to fucking notice you" I rolled my eyes then we heard a Joey Mercury screaming. "What the hell Joey!?" I groaned "Why are you screaming?" AJ asked "JAIME! HE'S DEAD!!!" "Of joy?" I asked. Both AJ and Joey looked at me with a 'What the fuck' look. "NO! DEAD LIKE EXECUTED!!!!" "Ohhh. Yeah never heard of that feeling before" "Paige what the fuck is wrong with you? He means Jaime is dead. I'll go get the others, Paige will go with you Joey" as soon as AJ said that Joey grabbed me by the hand & literally dragged me outside.

"Yep... He's not dead of joy..." I said looking at Jaime's head and body. "What happened?" Stephanie asked "I went to go get some beers and when I came back Joey was dead" "But not of joy!" I said and everyone looked at me suddenly. "What?" I asked. "Well, he's dead but who the hell killed him? Zombies don't use knifes to cut someone's head" Dolph said. "Yeah, unless someone killed him" Nikki said. I turned to Emma who was really quiet. She could've done this.
Brie's P.o.v.
Now that Jaime Noble is dead it's such a mystery for all of us. "Who could have killed him?" "I don't know doll, but whoever did is next in line" Dolph confidently said. "It was probably you Seth!" Randy sarcastically said "Me? I'm not a killer!" "How do you know?" Leighla sled with her hands crossed. "Because I don't kill people, I kill lifeless zombies" "He was your part of your security team" Kane added "You were too asshole!" Randy yelled. "Ohhh shit got real!" Dean said chucking. "Guys someone is outside!" Roman said walking in. "Everyone act like we're not here!" AJ said turning off the lights. "AJ don't be a kid" Stephanie said turning on the lights. "Lets who see who it is"
We all walked outside to find a girl with red hair, jeans and a crop top that was a little revealing was standing there. "Thank goodness you guys are alive!" She ran up to me and Nikki. "Eva? How the hell are you alive?" Paige asked. "Long story. The important thing is I'm here. And I'm with my besties! Mean girls is back!" She hugged me and Nicole. I have a bad feeling for some reason.
Eva's P.o.v.
"I missed you guys so much!" I held them tighter. "Wow Nikki you and Dean? Brie I didn't know you were with Dolph. Since when are you guys dating?" "We're actually married" Brie said as Dolph put an arm around her. She stole Dolph from me. That bitch! "How cute" too bad Deany & Ziggy will be single soon. I winked at Emma who was smiling at me. I smiled back. The red storm has come.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter. Eva is back, Jaime Noble is dead. Who could have killed him? Comment to find out!

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