Unstable Society

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Dean's P.o.v.
I laid on my bunk bed upset, disappointed, sad, angry, pissed off. I lost Nikki & it's all my fault. I should've known she wasn't in her bunk bed. I should've got out of the bus & helped her. She's gone. That image of Nikki telling us to go doesn't get out of my head. She's probably one of those zombies now & if it ever came a time I saw her & I had to kill her for humanity's sake, I wouldn't. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I wish that it was me instead of her. It's been a day since the incident happened, I haven't slept without thinking what happened to her. Deep inside of me hopes she beat the hell out of those zombies & made it out alive, but I know it's not true. Brie hasn't stop crying & she isolated herself from the others, meaning she's not seeing out of her bunk bed all day. She doesn't want to see anyone or anything. Dolph, Ofcoures is by her side 24/7. I don't blame Brie for acting  the way she is, Nikki was her only sister, her twin. When she was talking to Stephanie & Dolph yesterday, I heard her- we all heard her yell that she didn't want to live without Nicole, she didn't care to go outside & die trying to find her. I feel the same way, it just hasn't been the same without Nik. Seth is still alive if you were wondering, the only reason I haven't ripped his head off is because he hasn't got near me since yesterday. I know what I said about his fiance was wrong & if Nicole was here, She would be mad at me & tell me she never thought I would this far. I know Seth doesn't like talking about Leighla. I know it hurts him to even hear her name, but I meant what I said & I don't regret it. Anger got the best of me & I let happen. We haven't talked to each other & that's fine, it's better to keep it that way for now. I'm not in the best mood rightnow. When everyone is sleeping, I cry silently. It's just the worst feeling to imagine someone you love...dead. Before I met Nikki, I was nothing. Now that I lost her, I'm back to being nothing again.
AJ's P.o.v.
Yeah, this changed after Nikki left. Dean isn't the asshole that he usually is, Brie isn't full of life anymore, Seth...he's more cranky then ever! I mean I asked him if we could stop & get a pizza & he yelled at me! Ok, I get it, you are heartbroken about Leighla trust me we all are. We all know Leighla, she was a great girl but seriously what the fuck Seth? You're not the only one that lost someone. I did too! Punk. My husband, I loved him & his jackass sensece of humor. Everyone has been like a dead party over Nikki, I am too. Outside the ring we were all friends, we were all family. Even Paige feels bad, but she's still the bitch she always is. This is just an unbalanced society. Knowing Nikki, I'm sure that badass bitch survived. I hope she did. Then out of the blue, we stopped. "What now?" I groaned making Seth send me a dead glare. "What the hell are you looking at puke face?!" I said as he rolled his eyes at me. "Why did we stop?" Paige said waking up. It was dark & I barely managed to see outside the bus. "Someone's here" said Roman standing up. "I don't care, just kill the fucking walking body so I can go back to my beauty sleep!" I said sounding annoyed. "Beauty sleep? Ha! Bitch what you need is to hibernate" Paige said while smirking at me. "I'm praying that you die next fucking vampire bitch!" I said giving her a nasty glare. Roman grabbed a gun & opened the bus door slowly & pointed the gun at a figure. "Don't shoot! Please, I'm not a zombie!" "Emma?"said Roman putting the gun down. Oh great, more people I said rolling my eyes. Don't get me wrong, Emma was such a good girl, 'was' because now she's a real bitch. "It's the Australian Diva!" said Roman opening the door for her. "More like the Australian bitch" I muttered. Paige is bad, but Emma is worse. "Hi AJ!" She said happily. "Hehe. sweetie, that innocent face won't fool anyone." I said  giving her a fake smile. She gave me a glare "shut up crazy slut" she said in a low voice. "Oh hell no! You did not just call me a crazy slut bitch!" I was getting ready to tackle her until Paige held me back. "AJ chill, it's just Emma" said Roman "That's why!" I said getting out of Paige's grip. "I don't get it! Its not a fucking public bus!" I said sitting on the couch. Emma sat on the other couch making her self comfortable while smirking. I'm not liking the idea of her being with us.

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