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Kaitlyn's P.o.v.
Me, Paige & AJ were hanging in AJ's room. "Kait, how have you been feeling?" AJ asked. "About?" I asked "Ryan, warehouse?" AJ smacked Paige on the back of her head. "Ow! What!?" AJ glared at her. "Oh. Um, I'm-I'm good. Yeah" I said playing with my ring. "Well, I'm glad you are doing better Kait" AJ put a hand on my shoulder. I gave her a weak smile "Thanks. I'm gonna go now, bye guys" I stood up from AJ's bed & walled out of the room. As soon as I got out of AJ's room I started hearing yelling. Probably AJ trying to beat up Paige. As I was walking to my room I saw Emma walking out of the building. I shouldn't care but that bitch isn't even with armed. I grabbed a gun & headed out.

(In the abandoned City)

Emma kept walking around the streets with no point what's so ever. Was she taking a tour or what the hell? Suddenly she stopped infront of thriftshop. I followed & all of the sudden I saw her trying on stuff. "Emma, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" I said walking up to her. "Were you spying on me?" "More like saving your ass" she laughed "right. How have you been widow?" I growled "Bitch shut up! If you want to waste your time here & probably die then fine, better for me." I was starting to walk away until I heard growling noises. I turned around & saw 3 zombies sprinting out of no where. I started running for my life but the remembered Emma & went back to get her. "What!" She snapped "No time to be a bitch lets go!" We started running out "Wait, Kaitlyn!" I turned around frustrated "What!?" "Give me your gun" "Why!?" "Please, I left mine back at the station" I looked at her confused. "Hurry! There's no time!" I handed her my gun "There now lets go" I started running to the exit until I felt a strong pain in my leg. I then saw blood all over it. I got shot. "I'm leaving, you're staying" Emma said with a laugh that sounded just like Joker's. "I came to help you & this is what I get!?" "Who said I needed help? You shouldn't have come after me. Now you'll just have to die. I'll say that I tried to help you but then" she walked to exit & locked the door "the door locked & I couldn't do anything about it" she started laughing like a fucking maniac. "Come back here blonde rat!" I yelled trying to limp to the exit. "Sorry Kaitlyn but you are such a pain in the ass. Tell Ryback I said hi" I saw the 3 zombies making their way to me.
Emma's P.o.v.
I should've shot Kaitlyn in the head bit what's the fun in that? I turned away from the store window & in a second I heard Kaitlyn scream. I walked back to the police station & shot myself in the arm. "Someone help me!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "What happened Emma?" Stephanie came over to me. "Kaitlyn & I tried to outrun 3 zombies. I tried helping her but couldn't. She's dead!" "What! How?" Hunter yelled. "I don't know. She's gone" Stephanie put a hand on my shoulder "go get that arm taken care of by Joey & Jaime. We'll take over from here" Stephanie then started calling Randy, Kane, Dolph, Dean, Roman & Seth to help Hunter search for Kaitlyn. All of the girls would just glare at me. That's what happens when you push a good Emma too far.

A/N: Kaitlyn is dead :( to all the fans & people who liked her, I'm sorry. Stay tuned for the next chapter & thanx for the reads & votes! Lots of Love!
                  »Deathly Cupid-»

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