Hotel Pt 2

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Randy P.o.v.
I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a scream. It took me a minute to realize it was Nikki. I grabbed my gun & ran out of my room.
Nikki's P.o.v.
I screamed as soon as I saw Bray Wyatt standing beside my bed. I got up from my bed & ran to the door but when I opened it I saw Luke Harper standing there. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yelled. Bray held me from behind covering my mouth. I tried to get free from his grip but he held me so tight I felt like I was going to pass out. I then saw Luke with a nasty grin as he pulled out a knife. I was Praying that this was just a dream but when Luke stabbed the knife in my chest I realized I wasn't dreaming. Then all of the sudden Luke got shot & when I saw who it was I was relieved. Bray picked up the knife Luke had & held it to my neck. "Don't come any closer! You have to let us go" "You're not going anywhere" Randy shot Bray on the head twice. Luke & Bray layed on the floor dead. "You ok?" He asked me "Yeah" I said. "I'll go get Kane & Jaime & Joey" he said walking out the door. I held my chest & saw blood, I was bleeding. You couldn't really tell because I was wearing a black shirt. I held my chest as I walked out of the room. I then saw Randy talking to Joey & Jaime. The Randy left to go get Kane. "Ms. Bella are you ok?" Jaime asked me as him & Joey approached me. "Yeah I'm fine" "You don't look fine, did you get hurt?" I stopped grabbing my chest & showed them my hand. "Oh we have to tell Randy!" "No, it's no big deal it's just a little blood" "That's not a little bit, Joey go get Randy" Joey nodded & went to get Randy & Kane. "I'm fine Jaime" "You're loosing a lot of blood Ms. Bella" "I'm fine" I said protesting. Then Joey came with Randy & Kane. "Nicole why didn't you tell me" "it's not a big deal" I said rolling my eyes. "Show me where you got stabbed" "Randy-" "Show me" I sighed giving up & pulled my shirt up a little showing my wound. "You call that not a big deal? Nicole your bleeding!" Randy turned to Joey & Jaime "bring me water & Kane bring me something to clean her with" they all went to get what they were told. "Since when did you become Dr. Orton?" I asked "Since now" he said smiling.  "Does it hurt?" "No, I'm fine" "Nicole if it wasn't for Joey we wouldn't have known about this & you could've died for losing a lot of blood" I rolled my eyes. Jamie & Joey came with the water & then Kane came with towels he got from the hotel. "I'll get the car ready so we can get out of here" Kane said walking out the door. "Alright Nikki, this is going to hurt just a little" "Randy wait I'm not-" he started cleaning my wound. I started screaming "Fuck you Randall!" He smirked as he finished cleaning the cut that was on my chest. "There, you're good now" he said grabbing his gun & putting it away. "You're so thankful I have nothing against you" I said glaring at him. "Is that a threat?" He asked laughing "Maybe. We should go now" "Yeah let's go" We all walked out & saw Kane already waiting for us in the car. Here goes 4 more hours of driving.

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