Prologue: Proposition

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Her nose already buried into the third novel of her Novels of the 1800s class, Becca prepared herself for a few hours of reading. She pulled her feet onto the couch, leaning against the arm to get comfortable. Her cat Aslan tucked himself into a haphazard ball at her feet while her other cat Little Bit slept soundly on the floor in front of her. Music played in the background as she turned the page. Her roommate had John Mayer playing in her room, and with thin walls, Bree’s blaring soundtrack provided a soft and soothing playlist.

The redhead lost herself in the story of Pamela. Then the soft stylings of John Mayer grew louder as if the apartment’s volume had been turned up. Becca almost didn’t notice the two felines darting out of Bree’s way until she was on the other side of the couch staring Becca down with her large green eyes.

“The boys have landed!” the blonde announced.

Becca turned her attention from the book to the girl in front of her. She smiled at just how cute Bree’s excitement was. “Have they?”

The girl nodded before grabbing Becca’s book, careful to place the bookmark in its place. “They’re heading to their hotel as we speak. Can we go tomorrow?”

Could they go tomorrow? Becca didn’t see much harm in it...except Bree would want to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to possibly catch a glimpse of One Direction. That meant either getting up even earlier to making coffee or skipping coffee until they were headed back to the apartment. She scrunched her nose at the first possibility and answered. “Only if you buy me coffee.”

“Deal!” Bree squeaked, pouncing the older girl before running back to her room.

Becca giggled and went to pick up her book. Only she didn’t have her book. Bree must have taken it with her. “Brenna! I need my book!”


Niall splashed water on his face to keep himself awake for just a little longer. He and the  boys had finally made it to their hotel. A group of fans stopped them at the airport and another greeted them at the hotel when the van pulled up. They all tried their best to plaster smiles on their faces, but jetlag quickly started to set in. Still, they stopped to sign anything and everything while taking pictures. The shock was not there were any American fans in the first place. It was they were waiting for the boys. Sure it was still early in the night so it’s not like any of the fans needed to be in bed. Sure they were used to being stopped by fans in theUK. Maybe they just really didn’t expect to run into anyone. Niall wasn’t really sure. They were just surprised is all.

He walked back into the room to the sound of Louis cackling wildly while Harry looked rather bewildered. Niall didn’t even ask because he was sure he didn’t want to know. Sometimes it was just best not to ask questions. He stuffed his clothes into his bag, throwing the suitcase onto the floor by his bed. Throwing himself onto the bed, he covered his face with his arm.

“Someone is quiet tonight,” Louis smirked as he watched the boy.

Niall peaked out from the crook of his elbow. “Tired.”

Harry nodded. “Agreed.”

Louis shook his head. “Unbelievable! We’re inNew Yorkfor the first time, and you two are getting to bed before eight! Get up and enjoy!”

Niall looked over at Harry before chuckling at Louis’ excitement. He had a point, but Niall couldn’t bring himself to feel much excitement. Too much jetlag to give a shit really.

The older boy huffed at his younger bandmates and stood. “Fine. Just remember. This trip is going to be magical, and you two are going to miss it sleeping.”

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