Chapter 6~ "You can't date your soon to be step brother..."

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"Kyle, w-what do you mean you ran away?" I asked. "My dad came home drunk and he started calling me names and hitting me," Kyle said close to tears. "Come in and have a seat," I said opening the door further. He came in and sat down on my couch. "Do you need anything to drink?" I asked. "Uh just some water please," he replied. I nodded and got him a glass of water.

"Did your dad leave any marks on you?" I asked as I handed him his water. "I don't think so," he said checking his body for marks. "What did your mom do about the situation?" I asked. "She wasn't home, thank god," he said letting out a puff of air. I sat next to him on the couch. He set the cup on the coffee table. I laid my head on his shoulder and cuddled up to him. He put his arm around me.

"So, how is Miss Annabel doing?" he asked looking at me. "I don't think we need to talk about me. You're the one in pain right now," I said. "You just seem to have something troubling you," Kyle said. "Nope, I'm just peachy," I said, "But I do have a pizza in the oven." I got up and walked into the kitchen and took out the pizza. "Want some?" I yelled into the living room. My house is pretty big. "Hell yeah I do!" he yelled. I grabbed two plates from the cabinet and dished out the pizza. Then I grabbed a Peace Tea out of the fridge. I grabbed the two plates and my drink and walked into the living room.

"No, but really, Annabel, you've just seemed to be... distracted lately. Are you sure your okay?" he asked looking at me with worry. "Really, I'm fine, Kyle," I said. He took a bite of his pizza. "I think I know what has you so distracted," he said smirking. Oh boy. "You like someone don't you?" "W-what?" I ask. "Oh my mosh, you do like someone!" Kyle exclaimed.

I quickly looked away as my cheeks grew hot. "Who is he, Annabel... or not who is she?" Kyle asked. "If I did like someone why would I tell you?" I retorted. "Because I'm your friend and I care about you," Kyle said. "To be honest I'm not completely sure if I like this person. Plus every time I do like someone life comes in and ruins it," I said looking away.

"Annabel, you'll never know if you don't try for it," Kyle said, "now, tell me, who is this mystery person." "You promise you won't judge me?" I asked. "I solemnly swear," Kyle replied. "Fine, okay, I think I might have a crush on Johnnie," I said looking away. When I looked back over at Kyle he sat there with his mouth ajar. "See I knew you would judge me!" I yelled. "No, I'm just shocked," he said.

"And why is that?" I asked kind of defensively. "I just always thought you and Jordan had a thing," he explained. "Oh, no, Jordan and I have a brother sister type of relationship," I said shrugging. Everyone thinks Jordan and I have a thing... I hope Johnnie doesn't think that. "But wait a minute," Kyle said. I tilted my head in confusion.

"You can't date your soon to be step brother..." Kyle said reminding me of my dad and Felony's engagement. "Shit..." I said, "I didn't think about that..." I sat there a minute. "Kyle, what am I going to do... I got a fucking crush on the boy who is gonna be my fucking step brother!" I yelled. I couldn't help but start crying. I felt Kyle's small arms wrap me into a hug. "Come on, Annabel, let's go get some sleep," Kyle said standing up. "Can you sleep with me? I don't feel like being alone..." I said looking up at him. "Of course I will," Kyle said giving me his hand.

I stood up and Kyle and I walked up my spiral staircase and into my room. "Do you need something to sleep in?" I asked. "Um yeah, that would be nice," he said looking at the small items around my room. I went into my dresser and got two pairs of pajama pants. I threw the one pair to Kyle. "I'll just go change in the bathroom, down the hall," Kyle said walking to the door.

Once he was out I stripped out of my skinny jeans and changed in to the pajamas. I walked over to my bed and lifted the black fluffy comforter and climbed into my queen size bed. I heard a knock on my door. "You decent?" Kyle asked.  I laughed. "Yeah, you can come in!" I yelled back. Kyle opened the door closing it behind him. He walked to the other side of the bed climbing in. I reached over and turned off the lamp then I plugged in my phone, to it's charger.

I turned towards Kyle. Now were laying down facing each other. "You know, Annabel, I have a feeling that Johnnie likes you back," Kyle said. "Why's that?" I ask. "Because he looks at you the way that I look at pizza," Kyle said. I laughed, "Goodnight, Kyle"
i hate school so much

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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