Chapter 5~ "I ran away"

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I took off my shoes and threw my bag on the kitchen chair then I went up stairs to my room. When I got to my room I flopped on my bed tired from a long day. I grabbed my MacBook from under my bed and turned it on. Not long after I got it on I had a Skype call from Jeydon, in Canada. I accepted the call. Jeydon and Samm, his girlfriend, appeared on the screen.

"Hey, guys," I said waving. Jeydon started coughing wildly. "Hey, Annabel," Samm said patting Jeydon's back. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. "He's really sick," she said looking towards Jeydon. "Can I do anything to help?" I asked. "That's why we called," Jeydon said coughing. "I'm just too sick to record a MDE video and I was wondering if you could make one for me," Jeydon said holding back the urge to cough. "Of course I will. You just focus all your energy on getting better, okay?" I said. "Thanks so much, Annabel," Samm said rubbing Jeydon's back. "You two take care," I said waving. "Bye," they said waving as the call ended.

I went into my closet and got my camera stand and my camera. Once the camera was set up I looked at the MDE page to see what this weeks theme was. It was top ten week, so I made a list of ten facts about me onto my phone. I started the video.

A/N every time someone makes a video the normal words will be the dialog and the italics are what they are doing, and if there is more than one person in the video the name will be stated in normal along with their words

| the video |

Hey, escapers, it's Annabel! I waved. Jeydon is sick so he asked me to make a video for you guys! Today I am going to tell you ten facts about myself since I'm just a guest on this channel. I grabbed my phone and went to my list. First off I'm seventeen, I have my own YouTube channel, which I will put in the description along with my social medias, I have a serious addiction to Peace Tea, I put my hand by my mouth as I said the next part. It's a real problem.

My whole name is Annabel Monica Jones. Music is my life. I always wanted to pursue a career in music, but I never had the guts to do it. I shrugged. Any who back to the point, a big goal of mine is to get picked to be one of the warped youtubers and meet a lot of my fans. The reason is my fans are who gotten me where I am today, so to help you should tweet the hashtag #Annabeltowarpped

My best friend since I was like a baby and he was a kid is Jordan Sweeto. I can tell him anything and he is always there for me. If you're watching this I love you, Jordan. I made a heart with my hands. My favorite type of pet is a dog and I actually have two. A girl named Callie and a boy named Toby. My favorite colors are red and black.

Finally, if I could meet anyone and hang out with them for a day it would be Haley from Paramore she just seems like an awesome person to be around, and she's an amazing artist. Well that's all for this video! Please subscribe to MyDigitalEscape and my main AnnabelJones, follow me on my social medias, like, and leave a comment! I sped through the last part on purpose and took a pause then I said bye as I put my hand over the camera lens ending the video.

| end of video |

Once I was done I grabbed the cord for my camera and plugged it into my computer. I began editing my video when my phone rang.

Annabel: Hello?
Dad: Hey honey I won't be home tonight, so make your self dinner.
Annabel: Okay, will do.
Dad: Bye sweetie, love you.
Annabel: Love you too.

I hung up and continued working on my video. Once I was finished I logged on to the MDE YouTube channel and began uploading my video. I typed in the title and description into the video as I waited for it to upload. It said it would take an hour. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Snapchat. I started a video. "About to post a video on MDE go check it out," I said as I recorded the screen of my computer.

I decided while I waited for it to upload I would find something to eat. When I got downstairs I plugged my phone into our stereo and went on to pandora. I went on my Sleeping with Sirens radio where Madness came on. I went to the freezer and opened it to see what food was in it. I found a frozen Pepperoni Pizza and decided on eating it. I turned on the oven to the desired temperature and waited for it to preheat.

While I waited I danced around the kitchen and sang along to my phone. "Ain't it funnnn living in the real worlddd," I sang as I danced like an idiot. When I was dancing around I heard my doorbell ring. I looked towards the clock to see it was around 10:30 at night. Who would be here at this time, especially on a school night.

I walked up to the door and looked through the peep hole to see Kyle standing there. Confused at why he was here at this time I opened the door. "Kyle, what are you doing here? And why do you have that bag?" I asked confusion written on my face. "I ran away."
Cliffhanger I think?

Why did Kyle run away?

I wanna go to warped tour, so I can meet Johnnie, Jordan, Bryan, and Damon 😩

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