The Prison

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They all stopped, the cars are all out of gas and the RV was left at the farm. Everybody was exhausted, tired.

They'd lost Hershel. Maggie was devastated, he was her father.

"I'm so sorry, Maggie," Glenn said.

"Don't be. You saved me." Maggie replied.

Maggie didn't cry, although she did feel terribly sad. She had no parents left. Her mother was taken at the farm, her father was randomly attacked.

Glenn felt sorry for her. Glenn also loved her, but she didn't know that.

Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Luna, Ginny and Neville were scared. When would one of them be taken, eaten?

It could be any one of them.

Rick, Daryl and Andrea were scouting ahead to see if there were walkers. Although the only thing they could do is run ahead since there loss of gas.

Lavender had told Amy about her life at Hogwarts. Lavender cried to her as she told Amy about her crushes, including Ron.

Amy had almost cried too, since the stories were so emotional.

Carl talked to Carol about Sophia. Sophia had been Carl's childhood girlfriend and Carl still had feelings for her.

Glenn was talking to Maggie. Maggie always talked about her happy childhood and her parents.

So many people lost so much.

Rick, Daryl and Andrea returned. Their reports informed them of a nearby Prison with quit alot of walkers. But the group was up for it. They want to avenge their friends and family.

They all walked. About 15 kilometres.

They finally reached the prison. They opened the front gates and cleared out the first block.

They slept there for the night. They shared cheerful stories and had a few good laughs. By then they all fell asleep.

Everybody woke and had a quick breakfast. Walkers were grabbing the gate that led to the next block.

Rick opened the gate and everybody moved back.

"Reducto!" Harry yelled repeditly.

"Reducto!" Hermione joined.

The walkers heads exploded, their blood was all over the ground and their bodies sat on the ground. Headless.

"Thanks. Now we dont need to wast bullets when that happens!" Daryl joked.

Everybody gave a short laugh and kept moving.

Rick moved ahead the group, he locked a bunch of walkers behind a fence.

"Let's get inside!" Rick said.

Everybody followed Rick into the Prison. They saw no walkers. They finally found a point where can't go further. There were a few empty cells, this would he their home until they found somewhere else safe or they got gas.

Carl looked at the cells beds in discust and looked to his mother.

"Comfier than it looks, Carl!" Hermione said.

"Really?" Carl argued.

"Really." Lori countered.

Meanwhile, Harry, Rick and Daryl were talking about the possibilities that lye within the prison. But their real question was: Was it safe?

Rick went to Lori. He saw she had a large stomach. She was pregnant.

"Honey, are you pregnant?" Rick asked.

"Yes." Lori replied softly.

"How long has it been?" Rick demanded.

"About 8 months," Lori admitted.

"It should be due soon?" Rick wondered.

"Possibly," Lori said.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Rick demanded.

"I didnt want to add pressure to you!" Lori replied.

"What will we do with the baby? It would only draw attention!" Rick yelled.

"We care for it! Keep it safe!" Lori whispered.

"Lori? Your pregnant?" Carol interrupted.

"Yes, Carol." Lori replied.

"Calm down!" Andrea yelled.

"How will we deliver the baby?" Amy asked.

"I'll do it." Carol volunteered.

That stopped the conversation. Some looked astonished. Others looked relieved.

"Are you experienced?" Amy asked.

"No. But I'll practice!" Carol replied.

"I'll get a walker." Daryl said.

Daryl left. Rick was speechless. Lori was upset. Nobody else had any part in the conversation.

Neville looked around. He started to explore the policeman's offices.

Neville looked at some buttons, some were covered in dust. He turned a lever and the cameras turned on. A walker was in each cell, every single one. Although that office only watched one part of the prison. Neville saw something that looked like a fire alarm but it had suspicious writing which was covered in dust.

He blew on it but the dust didn't budge, so he wiped it with his finger.

An alarm went off, each cell door opened, walkers poured from every cell and went towards the sound. Neville ran back to the room which the group was in.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Daryl demanded.

"I- I Just- Accidentally pulled a switch and-" Neville stuttered.

"You trying to get us killed?" Daryl yelled.

"Shhh! You trying to bring em all here?" Rick whispered.

Andrea silently closed the doors and barred them shut. There was another door on the other side of the room.

Rick, Daryl, Amy, Harry, Ginny and Glenn ran out the door before anybody noticed. Then Andrea barred it shut.

Lori, Carl, Carol, Lavender, Luna, Neville, Andrea, Maggie, and Hermione were still in the room.

"No!" Carl cried.

"Amy!" Andrea pleaded.

All of a sudden, Lori went into labour.

"Ready to deliver a baby, Carol?" Lori said.

"Yes." Carol lied.

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