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They all stood on the roof of a random building. During a zombie apocalypse. Harry, Lavender, Hermione, Neville, Draco, Pansy, and Luna.

Two of which are Slytherin.

One Ravenclaw.

Three Gryffindor.

But what did that matter?

The friends were driven out of their castle by the walkers. A common name for zombies, "Walker".

Despite Harry and Draco's rivalries since the beginning of their years at Hogwarts, they must work together or embrace their own death.

They were all scared, horrified, thirsty. And worst of all, hungry. Their hunger was devastating. Each of them were almost starved to death. Being stuck on the roof wasn't helpful.

One of their own people, Ginny, had left them to look for food, until the walkers were drawn to their attention.

"What do we do?" Neville finally asked.

"We fly", Luna said.

Everybody had forgotten about the broomsticks. The ones they'd flown to get where they were now.

"Where?" Hermione asked.

"Anywhere but here!" Draco shouted.

"That's not an answer!" Hermione shot back.

Hermione drew her wand and aimed it at Draco, who also drew his wand.

"Stop it! Stop right now!" Neville yelled.

Neville drew his wand, he was shacking. Before anyone could do or say much more, Pansy flew an unexpected spell straight at Hermione.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Neville shouted at Pansy.

"Rectusempra!" Harry shot at Draco.

Immediately, Harry, Luna, Hermione, Lavender and Neville jumped on broomsticks and flew off into the thick air. By now, Draco and Pansy recovered from the hits and walkers started bashing against the door. Luckily Harry put a sick of wood between the handles. But they took every broom.

"Damn!" Draco yelled.

Harry and his friends finally reached another roof, far away from the previous building. Everybody could hardly move due to starvation, this was a major problem.

"I'm damn hungry!" Hermione yelled.

"Us too!" Lavender shot back.

"You'll be next to be left behind!" Hermione warned.

"I'll hit you right off the roof!" Lavender shouted while pulling out her wand.

"Stop it! Please!" Neville pleaded.

"Neville is right. If you fight, we'll have one less person in the group" Harry informed

"Shut up Harry!" Lavender warned.

"Or what?" Harry replied.

"Nothing. Sorry, Harry." Lavender apologised.

"You'd better be!" Hermione yelled.

"Shut up, Hermione!" Harry yelled.

"It's too dangerous to look for food!" Neville reminded.

"I'll take my chances!" Hermione shot.

"No, Hermione!" Harry pleaded.

"We'll go as a group or I'll go alone!" Hermione informed.

"Well go as a group!" Harry said.

"No, Harry!" Lavender whispered desperately.

"I'm sorry." Harry said dryly.

Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Luna and Neville all went down throughout the glass building. They all knew the building would be fragile. No walkers were found yet, perhaps they are in the lower levels to be close to the night sky, which it was now dark.

Harry and Hermione were looking for food together, Luna, Neville and Lavender were looking around the other side.

"Harry, I found something!" Hermione yelled happily.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"A secret stash of food! This could last a week!" Hermione cheered. Not caring why the employee had the stash.

Before she stood up, a gunshot fired. It smashed the glass and went through Hermione's hair. The glass shattered. Hermione ducked down and looked below them, walkers were pouring into the building.

"Same as last time", Harry sighed.

"What was that? Are there survivors?" Hermione asked urgently.

"I don't know." Harry said quickly.

Hermione quickly stood and waved her arms I to the cold air like crazy. Harry watched for a moment and a shiver went through his spine.

"Hermione, No!" Harry yelled.

"What?" Hermione demanded.

"They might shoot you. Also we have to get out! May I remind you of_" Harry was interrupted.

"The walkers!" Hermione shouted, finally realising the true danger.

They ran and met with Luna and Neville and Lavender, although they all looked as if they knew, could they?

"We know!" Lavender yelled.

"Let's go", Luna said.

"Alright, come on!" Harry shouted.

They all ran, quickly, more than ever. Hermione had the food in a few sacks that she, Harry and Neville wore. They went to the roof again. The brooms weren't there. But there Draco was. In the air with Pansy. On a broom. They forgot Ginny's broom.

They were stranded, but now with food. Although now with walkers at every entrance. It's done. No!

"Look!" Luna said impatiently.

A helicopter. It was going to them. It came close.

Two men were there, one driving, the other lending a hand. One-by-one they jumped onto the helicopter, not caring.

Harry looked back, the walkers were on the roof, still walking towards the flesh, some fell off. Harry laughed at that, so did Luna, who had her arm around Harry's neck.

This was a happy moment, at least there was one.

In a heart-beat, Harry realised something missing, not some thing. It was someone that one was Lavender. She was nowhere to be seen. Gone.

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