A break for it

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They had no idea how to get to the Ministry. They had to get to the broom cupboard and fly away on the broomstick. That was Hermione's only idea.

"Brilliant! Let's only hope they don't see us" Neville said.

"Harry! Use the cloak!" Hermione yelled.

Harry knew what she meant. Harry's invisibility cloak would allow them to sneak past. But how would they all fit under?

"Never mind", Hermione said disappointed.

Luna realised they will need to stop the walkers from getting them, what spells should they use? Surly not the killing curse.

"How do we stop them?" Luna asked.

"Try: Petrificus Totalus", Hermione replied.

Harry had no idea how to get to the broom cupboard without getting caught, or eaten. But suddenly the door heard a knock. Was it a walker?

"Hello? Anyone?" Draco said.

Harry went in shock. Draco was alive. The past was behind Harry, as long as Draco was prepared to do the same thing.

Lavender moved a dresser and bed and allowed Draco and Pansy Parkinson to enter.

"How did you get up without getting caught?" Ginny demanded.

"The Walkers go outside at night" Pansy said.

"Were you followed?" Hermione asked.

"No! Let's get out of here!" Draco yelled.

"Wait! What about Dumbledore?" Harry demanded.

"He's a walker. Now let's go!" Pansy shouted.

Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Lavender, Luna, Draco and Pansy ran down the staircase and went to the broomcupboard.

"What are you doing!" Pansy demanded.

"We are flying! You expected to walk?" Hermione yelled.

Pansy and Draco exganged weird looks and grabbed broomsticks. They all opened the main door and saw about 500 walkers scattered all over the yard and had no doubt in their minds that there were more. They flew over the walkers and they all went into alert. Every walker stared to the sky and watched the humans escape.

Some walkers tried to follow the living into the forbidden forest and could no longer see their enemies. Harry felt glad to finally be able to ride a broomstick after about a year.

Everybody was tired, more than ever. That effected them. They finally got to Atlanta and swooped down onto a flat roof and slept there with no regards of their surroundings. They faded from the world.

Ginny woke, the sun was like hell on her face. She was tired, still needed sleep, but knew she couldn't. So she looked at her friends, although they were all asleep. She was hungry, needed food that very minute, so she looked for a door down into the building.

Harry flinched in his sleep, his dreams were plagued by walkers, zombie versions of his friends. Harry screamed himself asleep, he saw Draco, Pansy, Neville, Hermione, Luna and Lavender. Harry stared from the rooftop and saw a living nightmare, flesh-eating zombies, his greatest fear now were walkers, the zombies.

Harry saw Draco wake, Draco shook Pansy awake and they joined Harry, staring at walkers below. They knew they owed Harry their lives, although Harry owed them their lives.

That set a tie.

"It's horrible. How did the muggle world become like this?" Pansy asked.

"How did it get to Hogwarts too?" Harry demanded.

Neither of those questions could be answered by anyone in the group. They knew that.

But at least someone asked them aloud, it meant Draco and Pansy were learning to trust in Harry.

Harry felt something missing, he knew what it was. Ginny. Ginny must have searched for food, it was a bad idea though the thought had occured to Harry.

"We have to find Ginny!" Harry whispered urgently.

"We?" Draco asked.

"I'm not waking the group. This might be the only decent rest they'll get in a while!" Harry shot back.

"It's true Draco", Pansy said to Draco.

Draco gave a short sigh and followed Harry down the staires, which there was a door on the roof. Luckily.

Harry searched many rooms, no living, no Ginny. Harry became nervous and scared, he might be next. Harry imagined himself behind one door, which on the other side were thousands of endless walkers.

Harry started running through the halls calling Ginny, Draco and Pansy were searching the rooms carefully. Harry quickly turned a corner and he was at the door. He yelled Ginny again and saw walkers, about 45. They all stared. They started walking to him, moaning and groaning, that attracted more attention, more walkers.

Harry saw them move quicker, the closer they got they sped up. Harry was now sprinting through the halls yelling, now pleading for Draco and Pansy. Harry turned a few more corners and found them.

"What? WHAT?" Pansy shouted, demanded, pleaded for an answer.

"Walkers. Alot." Harry said under his panting breath.

The three of them were racing to the door to the roof. They finally found it. Harry saw a board and knew what to do. He snatched it and got onto the roof. He slammed the board between the handles. They would have to break the board to get in.

"What, Lavender?" Harry asked.

Lavender was looking at the walkers below. Swarming. Hordes after hordes after hordes. So many all crowded into the building. There was no escape. They were trapped. They had no choice but one. Everybody woke. Cried to the scene. It was all done.

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