"Thank you." Harriet nodded back and walked in the direction of the lift. She started fidgeting, getting restless as to how long it was taking to get up to the third floor. Once there, she practically ran to the rooms, first stopping by on the Captain.

She hesitantly knocked on the door, and entered when given permission.

In the hospital bed, covered by crisp white sheets was her Captain. The same man who had thrown himself on top of a killer to save one of his staff. He smiled when he saw her come in, and shifted so he could sit up in bed. Roger winced as pain ripped through his side, then it went numb again, the joys of pain killers.

"Hey Captain, how you feeling?" She stood at the foot of his bed, noticing the bandages wrapped around his side.

"Harriet, I was hoping you'd stop by. I'm feeling much better than about an hour ago. He stabbed me, that son of a-"

"I shot him." Harriet interrupted his sentence, causing the Captain to stare at her.

"You what?"

"I shot him. Straight in the forehead. He confirmed he killed Jason and I just lost it."

Captain Price just nodded and hummed to himself. "Welcome to the life of being a Detective. He won't be the last person who dies Harriet. It's all part of the job of protecting people. You saved many people by doing what you did, and I'm sure Jason would agree."

"That's true." Harriet thought it over.

Patrick killed five women and Jason. Harriet would've been his next victim if it wasn't for the bravery of her team and Zara, of course. Oh shit, Zara.

"I'm going to go and see Zara now, I'll be back with you tomorrow Captain. Recover quickly!" Harriet bid her goodbye and leapt out of the door, taking big steps to room 309. She didn't even bother to knock as she ran inside and almost screamed.

The bed was empty.

A nurse was scurrying around changing the covers and cleaning the cabinet.

"Excuse me, where is she?" Harriet mumbled pointing to the bed.

"I'm sorry, who?"

"Detective Sheed, Zara."

"Oh, the lovely exotic lady. She's down in surgery. Nasty cut to her throat that needed fixing, you know how it is."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Oh yes. The doctor said it's not deep enough to cause permanent damage. Well, other than a scare. But with a face like hers, no one will notice the scar anyway." The nurse laughed to herself and finished plumping the pillows. "She must mean a lot to you."

"She's my partner."

"Oh! I didn't realise. It's not that I'm against that sort of thing, I just think God made a man and a woman for a reason." The nurse turned a bright shade of red when she realised what she said. "I don't mean to offend you! It's just my silly opinion."

Harriet's eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she cottoned on to what the nurse meant. She began laughing, and the nurse giggled happy she hadn't annoyed her.

"No, we aren't lesbian partners. She's my work partner. She's a detective and a bloody good one at that." Harriet slumped down in the chair next to Zara's bed. "Do you know how long she will be down there?"

"Oh a few hours yet, you can wait in here if you like. I'll bring you a tray of food, the others won't notice." She winked at Harriet and left the room. Harriet knew she was only trying to bribe Harriet into liking her and not reporting her for her comment on gay love but Harriet decided to let it slip.

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