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CHAPTER 23: in Luke's POV! * ;-)

Today has been such a blast. My first time experiencing The Happiest Place on Earth with the girl I'm most happiest with is a dream come true. I'm so happy I went out on a whim and purchased the tickets. Being with Marnie always makes my mood sky rocket and my heart burst into a million pieces -- in a good way.

I love how I don't have to worry about what's weighing on my mind when I'm with Marnie. She is just a breath of fresh air. Everything about her makes me feel light and at peace. Who would have thought I would be the one to fall for a fan?

During interviews when the boys and I are asked if we would ever date a fan, we would automatically say yes. Though, in our heads we knew that will never happen. Our answer was just a load of bullshit.

Don't get me wrong; we love our fans so much. They just need to chill sometimes. Like earlier today, a girl of what looked like twelve-years-old came up to me and asked for a picture. Marnie slyly scooted away from us and made herself look a bit busy. I'm so thankful Marnie doesn't get upset about the attention I get from the fans.

The young girl snapped a quick selfie of us and she told me, "I don't see why you're dating an ugly Chinese girl. She probably can't even see you properly through those small squinted eyes."

I gave the young girl a offended look. She was far too young to even let those racist words come out of her mouth. She didn't even know Marnie; how could she say those mean words?

I try not to lash out and say something I would regret getting hate for on Twitter later on in the day, "Well, who I see really isn't anyone's business. Do you need help getting back to your parents, little girl?"

"I'm fourteen, okay!" the little girl scoffs and I watch her stomp off in the opposite direction. I know I'll get so much shit from the fans, but I don't care. No one should ever speak badly about someone if they don't even know them. It's childish.

I look to my right and smile at the beautiful girl sitting next to me. Marnie is waving like a maniac to all the Disney characters riding on the floats. Right now, she looks so innocent and cute.

I could never hurt her, I can't hurt her. So what I'm going to do later on tonight will weigh out all the problems in our relationship, if that's what you want to call it. I hope she'll understand after I tell to her. I really do hope.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and take a quick picture of her wither her huge smile and wide eyes. She was too perfect to let go. I try to take another picture of her with her mouth in an O-shape, but she catches me trying to take a picture.

"Hey, watch the parade. It's so adorable," she locks my phone and places it into my lap.

"You're adorable," I whisper under my breath as she diverts her attention back to the parade. I scoot in closer to her and wrap my arm around her holding her closer to me. I see her looking up at me. She gives me a small smile and gives me an over dramatic wink.

You know what stupid saying 'whoever said Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth has obviously never been in your arms'? Well I totally agree with it now, though the person who said that never held the happiest place in their arms like I am right now.

I'm not even watching the dumb parade. I can't even concentrate on the other princesses because I've got the best one right here.

It's so gross. I'm so gross. Marnie has made me into a hopeless romantic sack of potatoes. I feel my manliness slip out of my fingertips when I think of Marnie. How dare she?

As the parade closes into the end, Marnie sits up and walks away, "I'm going to throw away the garbage. Be right back."

"I'll miss you!" I tell her.

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