twenty one;

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"I've never been to a famous person's party. Look at all these people!" Josie shakes my arm.

"Josie, can you whisper!"

"Is that Tori Kelly? Look, it's Caspar Lee!"

I take the time to pull Josie into a less occupied room and let her calm down for a few seconds, "You need to chill out and act cool. This is an LA party, not some college frat party in Phoenix."

"I can't help it. The boys basically invited everyone signed to Capitol and all their famous friends."

"Have you been drinking? We promised that we wouldn't," I closely look at my friend.

"No, I didn't drink. But Halsey gave me some kind of pill and I took it," Josie's eyes go wide.

"For fuck's sake, Ashley! Really?" I look over to Ashley and she slowly shrugs.

She hands me a small baggy of pills, "Want one?"

"No!" I cry out. I close my eyes and scream internally, "You know what? Fine."

I snatch the bag out of Ashley's hand and pinch a pill out of it. I closely examine it, "What even is this thing?"

I pop the pill into my mouth and swallow it dry. I shudder at the feeling of the piece sliding roughly down my throat.

"I think it's Molly. I'm not too sure, Lido's friend gave me them for free. I couldn't pass it up, free drugs! Drugs are expensive," Ashley says.

"Nothing is happening," I look over to the girls.

"Only because you just took it, give it some time," Josie takes my hand and leads me back into the party. We go outside where the music was coming from and we all start to dance.

"Are you feeling it, Marnie?"

"Am I supposed to feel something?" I ask loudly over the music.

"No," the two other girls laugh, "Those were ibuprofen!"

I stop dancing and watch the two girls laugh their asses off. Suddenly I feel extremely stupid. First off, stupid for even taking a pill I didn't know was. Secondly, believing that my two friends would actually give me drugs. I playfully shove the two girls, "You guys are evil."

"You were so down to take the pill though!" Ashley laughs.

"She just took the bag and swallowed one. I can't believe she did it. You're one crazy girl, bestie," Josie scruffles my hair and I swat her hand away.

Ashley joined in on the sober party gang and to be quite honest, the party wasn't that fun. I'm sure it was a blast for everyone who was intoxicated around us, but being sober didn't cut it. It was mine and Josie's first - and probably only - LA party and we decided to be good little girls and stay sober.

Later on in the night, Ashley said a big 'fuck it!' and took two shot glasses from someone else's hands. She downed them effortlessly and bid us a farewell walking towards the drink table. Josie and I call the dancing quits and take a seat on a pool lounge chair.

"I'm actually really bored," Josie says to me.

"Me too, but we have to teach ourselves that we can stay sober and have just the same amount of fun," I tell her trying to convince myself as well. It didn't work too much.

I am a young nineteen-year-old college student. How do you expect me not to drink especially at my favorite band's celebratory party in Los Angeles? I'm getting drunk on the idea that I'm not drunk.

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