Learning to Love

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Hey guys! I'm really excited for you to read this story, I've been working on it for a while. Please tell me what you think :D xoxo, OH! and don't forget to vote and comment plz, thanks dearests! <3



The fluorescent orange flame was everywhere. Spreading violently on the charred wooden floors, destroying everything that I'd ever love in its path.

My home, my safe haven, my memories, were all burning before my very eyes, engraving its heart wrenching images permanently into my brain. 

A loud crack sounded and I watched in horror as the wooden beam from above slowly gave way. Curling up in a ball I moved closer to the corner of my room, cradling the precious golden locket tightly to my chest. The white paint that once clung to my elegant princess-like room now chipped off effortlessly from the walls. I looked up at the wooden beam and noticed that it was just seconds away from crashing to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered.


Another snap sounded. Another second.


Immediately I raised my hands upward prepared to block the violent painful burn that was sure to come. And it was then that a creeping feeling began to slowly infect itself into my body.

Hot boiled anger rose into my whole entire being feeling more fervent than the inferno before me. Anger of being helpless, anger of losing my home, and most importantly the anger of possibly losing my family caused a strange maddening sensation to overwhelm and corrupt me.

Snapping my eyes open I looked up at the broken wooden beam and stared menacingly at it. Daring it to just fall and see what would happen to it. And as if by will the wooden beam gave a final snap and tumbled down toward me.

It was a strange sense. The feeling of anger seemed to envelope its way around me, almost as if I was excerting an invisible force field.

But it wasn't until the beam came plummeting down and bounced off in a different direction just inches above my head, that I sat astounded and awed.

What had just happened?

Already the air seemed clearer and fairly easy to breathe. Like a tiny little bubble of oxygen had surrounded me. Looking up at my hands I was shocked to find a green radiant glow replacing my normal olive skin tone.

I was a freak.

I could almost hear my brother and my classmates laughing at me because of my freakish ability. I would be the laughing stock of the day.

Sucking in a deep breath, I did what any other normal eight year old would do.

I screamed.

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