Part: 8

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Zeke Dunbar: Damn, today was a good day. You know, I'm glad you and Nate showed up, Sully.

Lucy Kuo: I am honestly glad that you did, as well.

Victor Sullivan: So am I. Because now, I had myself quite the adventure.

Sam Nishimura: Hell, we all did.

Zeke Dunbar: Damn right. Enjoying yourself, Kat?

Kat: Mhm.

Victor Sullivan: Well, I better get some shut eye. Not as young as you all so I can't party as much.

Lucy Kuo: I'll come with you.

Zeke Dunbar: An NSA agent sleepin with a wealthy elder. Hell, there's something you don't see everyday.

Lucy Kuo: Zeke, where's Cole?

Zeke Dunbar: No idea, probably outside.

Victor Sullivan: Want to check up on him?

Lucy Kuo: know, I think he's fine. He can handle himself.

Victor Sullivan: Then I guess it's you, me and the bed, eh?

Lucy Kuo: Looks like it...that is IF you can stay up a little longer.

Victor Sullivan: I don't see why not.

Kuo and Sully were making there way to his room...I don't know why but I didn't care. Kat also agreed to get some sleep, as she made her way to the couch and past out...just like that. Zeke and Sam were the only ones awake. Bathe and Lara tried to sneak out if the garage, hoping that Zeke and Sam wouldn't notice them...but they did, they just didn't say anything.

Sam Nishimura: Well, looks like Lara is going to have some fun.

Zeke Dunbar: I hear that, looks like Nate has himself a woman too.

Sam Nishimura: You know, Zeke, I'm really glad that Cole found me, Lara and Jonah on that island. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you...I didn't think you'd be such an incredible man.

Zeke Dunbar: Well, I am a man of's too bad I have to go back to New Marais, same with Kuo and Cole.

Sam Nishimura: don't have too, if you don't want too.

Zeke Dunbar: What do you me--

Sam Nishimura: Stay here! With me and Lara.

Zeke Dunbar: You serious?

Sam Nishimura: I found myself the perfect boyfriend, I don't wanna lose you now.

Zeke Dunbar: But, Cole...he needs me.

Sam Nishimura: Have you even seen the way he's treated you? Why stick around with him?

Zeke Dunbar: I know my buddy doesn't seem like the friendly type but...

Sam Nishimura: Friendly type? Zeke, he practically hates you. All because of one little mistake.

Zeke Dunbar: It wasn't little, Sam. Because of me, Trish...

Sam Nishimura: No, Zeke, because of KESSLER, Trish is dead. It wasn't your fault.

Zeke Dunbar: You think so?

Sam Nishimura: The days we've spent together, I can see that you'd never betray your friends.

Zeke Dunbar: Well, everything I've ever done in Empire was to help Cole.

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