Part: 5

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The next morning, I was back on the rails of the boat, as we finally arrived at the location.

Victor Sullivan: See that building over there?

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Yes.

Victor Sullivan: That's the building. The one I mentioned.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: That's yours?

Victor Sullivan: All mine.

Lucy Kuo: You must be really wealthy.

Victor Sullivan: It's the life of a treasure hunter.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Looking forward to having a look inside.

I overheard Sully talking with Cypress and Kuo. Zeke was talking with Nate and those Lara and Sam girls. Nice to see that he's gotten along well with them. Do they even care what happens to New Marais? Have they forgotten about that? The boat came to a stop near the mansion, as everyone got off on shore. I had to admit, Sully's house was impressive on the outside...and on the inside. It was a mansion, for sure.

Zeke Dunbar: Damn, man. This place must've costed a fortune.

Nathan Drake: It did. When your a treasure hunter, that is no sweat for us.

Zeke Dunbar: I think I'd like to get into that.

Cole MacGrath: ......

Victor Sullivan: Alright, ladies. Your room will be this way.

Lyanne Valentine Flynn: ......

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Go ahead. It'll be fine. We're not in New Marais anymore, remember? Sully will make sure that you are safe.

Nathan Drake: And as for the boys, follow me. Your room is on the other side.

Zeke Dunbar: I don't know about you but I think I'm gonna like it here.

Jonah Mavia: I might like it here as well.

Cole MacGrath: ......

We all made our way to the room that Drake was taking us. He opened the door and There were a lot of open space for us all.

Nathan Drake: Enjoy your sleep.

Zeke Dunbar: A decent bed? Now we're talkin'!

Jonah Mavia: I was beginning to think I'd never sleep in one again.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: I've had a long day. I'll need the sleep.

Zeke Dunbar: See you in the morning, brother. Time for a good night sleep.

Everyone had the same idea. It was a few hours later and everyone was asleep. Even I passed out. I was then woken up from a nightmare of Bertrand and the Beast destroying New Marais. When I awoke, Zeke was nowhere to be found. I left the room and checked all over the house but couldn't find him. That's when I heard laughing downstairs. I peeked and noticed Zeke with Drake and Sam.

Nathan Drake: Sounds like you a Cole had some adventures.

Zeke Drake: You wouldn't believe. It almost costed us our lives.

Sam Nishimura: It's awful how you had to deal with so much.

Zeke Dunbar: of us was lost, in Empire City.

Nathan Drake: Who?

Zeke Dunbar: Her name was Trish Dailey. It's my fault what happened to her.

Sam Nishimura: Your fault?

Nathan Drake: How?

Zeke Dunbar: I gave our only ticket out of Empire City to Kessler. And I recently got word that she was killed by him. I tried to make things right with Cole but he never forgave me for what I did. Honestly, I don't blame him.

Nathan Drake: It was one mistake. Honestly, he could look the other way.

Zeke Dunbar: Trish was Cole's girlfriend.

Nathan Drake: ......

Sam Nishimura: ......

Zeke Dunbar: It's my fault she's dead.

Sam Nishimura: I know it wasn't on purpose.

Nathan Drake: I'm with Sam on that. It was a mistake. And if Cole can't forgive you, then he's not even worth the trouble.

Zeke Dunbar: Still...I don't call him "brother" because I like the way it sounds.

Cole MacGrath: ......

Sam Nishimura: If Cole is a real friend, then he'll be able to forgive you for this.

Zeke Dunbar: Knowing Cole, I doubt it.

Sam Nishimura: Give it time, okay?

Zeke Dunbar: No promises on that but I'll try.

Nathan Drake: Just remember...if your in need of friends, you got me and Sully.

Sam Nishimura: And you have me and Lara too. Oh, and of course Jonah.

Zeke Dunbar: I appreciate that. Thanks.

I couldn't stand hearing them talk about me the way they were. Zeke was already making new friends and they were saying to him that I wasn't worth it. Just then, they was a huge crash outside of the mansion. Zeke, Drake and that Sam were were the first to go out and check it out. I followed behind but stayed out of sight. The smoke came from inside the woods. Zeke, Drake and Sam made there way inside and made it to the location. A hug gaping hole was in the center of the woods. Zeke slid inside to have a look at what was there.

Sam Nishimura: Zeke, be careful!

When Zeke was inside the hole, he looked around to see what was inside. It was quiet for a moment, Zeke didn't make a sound, Drake grew anxious to go down there and Sam was getting worried. Just then, Zeke called out to Drake and Sam.

Zeke Dunbar: Nate! Sam!

Sam Nishimura: Zeke, are you alright?!

Nathan Drake: What's going on?

Zeke Dunbar: Get down here!

Drake and Sam made there way down the hole and to Zeke.

Sam Nishimura: Zeke, are you alright?

Zeke Dunbar: I'm fine but...

Nathan Drake: But what? Come on, Zeke. Out with it.

The dust began to clear and Drake and Sam were shocked by what they were seeing. Zeke was on the ground and holding a young girl in his arms. She had yellow hair, pale skin and was wearing some kind of strange outfit that was black and had strange bronze-yellow symbols.

Uncharted: Tomb of inFAMOUS Rushحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن