Part: 6

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After finding the mysterious girl...and revealing myself, Drake, Sam, Zeke and I took the mysterious girl back to Sully's house. We explained the situation to everyone, in the house. Everyone except Cypress, who was in the shower.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: ......

Lyanne Valentine Flynn: Hunnie?

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Yes?

Lyanne Valentine Flynn: Nathan said veryone needs to be downstairs for a discussion. He says it's important everyone knows this.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Tell him that I will be downstairs.

Downstairs, the mysterious girl was on the couch, out cold, while the rest of us were staring at her. We were trying to decide what to do with her.

Victor Sullivan: You just found her in the woods?

Zeke Dunbar: Yeah. After the explosion, I find her inside the crater.

Cole MacGrath: ......

Nathan Drake: He did the right thing, bringing her here.

Victor Sullivan: I agree. Nice work, Zeke.

Cole MacGrath: What are we gonna do with her?

Victor Sullivan: Well, there's nothing we can do yet.

Nathan Drake: Yeah. Besides, your ice friend isn't here yet.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: I am now.

Cypress was finally with the group and his outfit was different. He was wearing a red undershirt and a green jacket. His hair was blonde and spiked down. He had light blue eyes, dark blue jeans and black and yellow shoes.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: And the name is Cypress. Cypress Fairchild Flynn.

Zeke Dunbar: Whoa. So this is what you look like under that helmet?

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Yes.

Cole MacGrath: Interesting. And your voice is different too.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Yes. It's the helmet that changes my vocals. But that'sa story for another time. What seems to be the problem?

Victor Sullivan: Well, Zeke found this girl in a crater, in the woods and brought her in. Now, we're just trying to figure out what to do with her.

Zeke Dunbar: We can't just throw her out back into the crater.

Cole MacGrath: She might be a threat, Zeke. We can't risk it.

Zeke Dunbar: You think I'd throw you out, if I didn't know you?

Cole MacGrath: I don't know what you'd do, nowadays, Zeke.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: We keep her.

Victor Sullivan: You sure about that? MacGrath may have a point.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: She may not be from this world...neither am I or Kuo, Zeke and MacGrath. But we do not throw someone out, when they're in need to recover.

Cole MacGrath: She might be one of Bertrand's freaks.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: So am I. But you seem to trust me. We are NOT throwing her out and that's that. Lyanne, I want you to take care of her, treat her back to heath.

Lyanne Valentine Flynn: I'll try, hunnie.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: This discussion is over.

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