Chapter thirteen

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Daniel’s pov

            “Enter,” I said to whoever was at the door. I may be a vampire, but I’m not sidekick. In walked Jessica, my sweet beautiful Jessica. “What can I do for you Jessica dear?”

            “I’ve finished the job you gave me Master,” oh that didn’t take long.

            “Good girl.”

            “Is there anything else you would like me to do Master?” she came and stopped in front of my desk. Too far away to touch her, but close enough that I could smell her beauty.

            “Yes, I want you to go and fetch Maggie for me,” I need a new cook.

            “Yes Master,” she turned her back on me and walked back through the door. I love the way her hips swish from side to side when she walks. I smile when my cock thickens from arousal. God I want Jessica so bad right now.

* * *

In no time at all, Jessica returned with Maggie slowly walking behind her. Maggie, I’d admit is really beautiful, but nothing compared to Jessica. God, I’ve got to get my feelings in order, I thought to myself. I mentally shook myself; I need to focus with the matter at hand.

“Now Maggie, as you hopefully already know, Alex has returned to her family and I’m in need of a cook.”

“Were you hoping I could cook Master?” Duh, of course I was, but I didn’t dare say that aloud.

“Yes I was, can you cook?” I clasped my hands together and leant back in my chair.

“I’m sorry Master, but I can’t,” she looked down when she said that, my guess is that she thought I was going to hit her.

“Excuses me Master?” said Jessica, I looked over at the far corner which is where she stood and nodded in a way that said ‘speak.’ “I can cook,” that’s surprising; she doesn’t look like a cook.

“Can you really, or a you just saying that?”

“No, I really can cook Master.”

“What can you do?”

“I can do lamb, spaghetti, um, homemade chips, roast and a couple of others too,” she looked proud to be able to cook all those.

“OK then, you’ll be the new cook, tonight I want you to make,” I was stuck in thought; I couldn’t decide what I wanted. “Can you make lasagne?”

“Yes I can Master.”

“Then that’s what you’ll cook, oh with some chips too please. Make sure you make enough for Maggie and everyone else, you’ll all join me for dinner.”

“Of course Master,” I could tell how hard it was for Jessica and Maggie to not jump up and down right there.

“Jessica?” she calmed down at the mention of her name and turned to me.

“Yes Master?”

“Please go around to everyone and tell them the news and then you can start dinner.”

“Of course Master,” I nodding my head in dismissal and the two girls walked away and left the room.

I turned back to my work, thinking that’ll give Jessica a good job to do, but that it also works well with my plan that I have. “Hopefully it works,” I said quietly.

* * *

            I walked into the dining room to see that all my slaves-except for Jessica-were each standing behind a chair at the beautifully set table. They all looked a bit shy and scared, understandable.

            “Who did this?” I asked to no one in particular.

            “Jessica did Master,” replied Ella.

            “Well it looks lovely,” indeed it did.

            The table had seven places set in a casual manner, with a fork, knife and spoon in either side of the plates. A glass cup-filled with what looked like water or lemonade-sat at each place. Except mine, mine had blood in the cup. Smart girl that Jessica.

            When I sat down at the head of the table, everyone else sat down too. Then moments later, Jessica walked in with two plates that had are deceit sized bit of lasagne with a side of chips. She placed the first plate down in front of me, and the next in front of Mary, who was sitting on the right side of me.

            Back and forth, Jessica came with more plates until she finally sat down on the left side of me with a plate of her own. Once again, no one made a move to touch their food until I did.

            “This is delicious Jessica,” I said facing her and it did.

            “Thankyou Master,” Jessica’s cheeks reddened at the complement I gave her.

            “It tastes different than most people’s I’ve had; it’s got an extra flavour to it.”

            “It’s my own recipe, that’s why.”

            “Well, it’s very good. Thank god you offered to be cook,” all the other girls, except Maggie, looked at Jessica in shock. “Didn’t you girls know that Jessica cooked?”

            “No, we knew that Master, we just didn’t know that Jessica volunteered to be cook,” said Mary. I shrugged. Who cares what they think, Jessica is an excellent cook.

            “Master, may I ask you something?” asked Ella, silencing everyone.

            “You may,” I was really interested to see what she had to say.

            “You’re not an evil stuck up douchebag today, why?” everyone gasped when Ella said that, my plan is falling into place.

            “Because I’m a changed man,” come on Ella, next question.

            “How could you change that quick?” no one was speaking, if I wasn’t a vampire I wouldn’t be sure if anyone was breathing.

            “Because I’ve finally woken up, to realize what a bad person I am,” again I shrugged.


            “Because of Jessica,” now there really was no noise. Perfect surprise. I nodded at Ella in thanks and she smiled at me before moving back to her food.

Scared, Hated, LovedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ