Chapter three

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I awoke with a throbbing head ach and could instantly tell I wasn’t in my own room, even without looking around. As I recall of the events of the previous night, I could almost hear my heart beat faster and faster and fear overwhelmed me completely.

            My eye lids shot open, but there was no point in that for the room was pitched black.

What I could tell was that I was alone and that I was sitting on really hard and cold concrete. I stood up so I could find a way out but I was instantly pulled back down by something gripping my wrist. I used my left hand to reach over to investigate my right wrist, and found that I was in fact chained to a wall.

Fear over took me and I would’ve passed out if a strong hand hadn’t pulled back my head and forced me to drink from a cup that was placed in front of my lips. I tried my hardest to push the horrible tasting liquid away from me, along with the strong hand, but I just wasn’t strong enough.

After the liquid made its way down my throat, I started to calm down. I don’t know if it was because I could’ve been drugged or the fact that my eyes had finally adjusted to the dark and with the sun light bursting through the tiny window, lighting up the whole middle of my cage. Now I could see the outline of my captor.

“Who are you? What do you want?” I asked. My captor walked into the light and replied with, “My name is Daniel, and I am your master.” This Daniel was the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. His face was perfectly round with dark brown hair that was slightly wavy, but I couldn’t see his eyes. Once I realized what he said I looked at him like he was mad, for all I knew he could be.

“You’re my what?”

“I am your Master, you stupid girl! Which means you a now my slave.”

“I am nobody’s slave, now let me go!”

 “You’re my slave, whether you like it or not!” he snarled.

He actually snarled at me, I looked more closely at him and what I saw was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I tried to push myself as far away from him as I possibly could, because what I saw was fangs in Daniel’s mouth. I let out a defining scream before I passed out again.

* * *

Once I came too, I looked around but saw that I was now in a different room. This one was nicer then the cell I was in before, but compared to the one I had at home this was like a dump. Thinking of home was the wrong thing to be thinking right now; because my daddy always tort me to be strong and now I was on the verge of crying.

The door to the room, which was right across from me, opened up and there stood, not Daniel ‘My Master’ but there was another girl who like about 25 but who knew, she could be younger.

“Who are you?” I asked. I was so tempted to cower away and hide, but I stood my ground and faced the girl.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me, but be careful when around Dan… I mean, when around The Master,” she said, with a hint of fear in her voice. I wouldn’t blame her; Daniel is pretty scary, but really cute.

“Ok, um, where am I and you haven’t answered my first question,” I watched as she walked over to the messy bed that I was in before and placed an outfit that looked exactly like the one this girl was wearing. It was a short black dress that frilled up at the ends and had a white apron attached to it.

“Oh right, sorry. My name is Mary and this is your own slave courters, or as we say it ‘bedroom.’” She said it as if that would explain everything.

“I kinda already got that this was my room, what I meant was ‘where in the world am I?’” I asked again.

“We’re somewhere in London and this is our Master’s house, and you are a slave so please just do as you’re told.”

“So you’re saying that I’m 50, 000 miles away from home, and that I’m forced to be a slave!”

“Shush, please Jessica, please be quite.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Master Daniel told me your name and then told me to help you get cleaned up, change your cloths and to show you around so you know where to go.”

“OK, um, so, that’s like my uniform or something?” I gestured to the sluty looking outfit on the bed.

“Yes, all of Master’s slaves must wear one, or else we will get beaten,” as Mary said this I had a sudden image of her hiding in a corner covered in blood. Another thought popped into my head and I just had to ask, “How many slaves does Dani… um Master have?”

“He has three house slaves, one cook and two gardeners,” she paused and it was as if she read my mind by answering my unasked question. “Yes, they are all girls.”

“But, why girls?” I asked, already dreading my question.

“You’ll find out tomorrow night,” a look of sadness crossed her face and she looked like she wanted to say something.


“Nothing, don’t worry. Come on, we’ve got to get you ready for a day of scrubbing.”

Mary led me out the door, turned right and walked in through a door at the end of the dead looking hallway. Inside I saw that this was a bathroom and I could’ve said that my room looks better than the bathroom.

The bathroom only had a bath, a black rusted bath with brown taps, are small toilet that let off a horrible smell. I looked a bit closer and saw that it was stained with something that I thought looked like… well, shit.

“My… god,” I was so shocked at the sight of the bathroom that I felt like gagging. “There has to be a better bathroom then this?”

“Don’t worry, after a while you’ll get used to it.”

Mary helped me get out of my now ruined outfit and filled the bath up whilst I looked around the bathroom some more. It still didn’t look any better. I stepped into the water when Mary said it was ready and I jumped back from the sudden touch of cold water. “Why is the water so cold?”

“We don’t get hot water in summer or spring, only in winter and autumn.” I groaned as I stepped back into the bath and once again, the kind Mary helped me wash my hair with lavender shampoo and strawberry body wash-which I did myself.

As soon as I stepped out of the water, both Mary and I dried myself and got me into my uniform, which was not fun.

The top half was basically a corset with pretty frilly stuff to cover it and it was so hard to breath in the damn thing. The really short skirts just slipped up my legs and sat there like they could fall down at any time. Now the shoes were the thing I hated the most-even more then the corset-because they looked like little black elf shoes with white shocks.

“Come on, I’ll show you around now,” Mary said, slipping her arm through mine and lead me back out into the hallway. I could tell Mary and me were going to be best friends through this torture.

A/N: hello everyone, this is my first story i've written, i hope you liked the first three chapters. please tell me what you think and vote :)

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