Chapter five

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            I had no idea of how long Master whipped me, but it seemed to take at least three hours. This was defiantly going to leave heaps of scares all over my poor body.

 I had deep cuts all over my back, upper thighs of my legs and my arse; I can tell I’m not going to be able to sit down for a while. I also have quite a few cuts on my arms and stomach from the knife Daniel used before the whip.

After he had left me, still chained to the wall, without a single word to me, Mary had come inside my room. She glanced around at all the blood on the chair in the centre of the room and her gaze turned in my direction and tears instantly burst from her sorrow filled eyes.

Mary left the room, and came back in after a few minutes with her arms filled with stuff that looked like first aid crap. Couldn’t she just take me to a hospital? I thought, sense I couldn’t speak with the amount of blood lose. How is all of that stuff going to help me, with all these wounds?

“I’m so sorry, about what happened,” apologized Mary, without meeting my eyes. She walked over to me, placed the stuff down on the floor next to her and unchained me to place me on the floor, which I swear was more painful than being chained to a wall.

“What could you possibly be sorry for?” I lay down on my stomach, so that she could fix my back first, considering it hurts more than my stomach.

“I should’ve warned you what Master would do to you.”

“You said that you couldn’t tell me.”

“I know, but I still feel like I should’ve told you,” she looked away from me as she said this.

“Would it have made a difference if you told me or not?” She looked down at me then, but a pained look was still shown on her face.

“No, I suppose not.”

I smiled up at her, “Then there is nothing to be sorry for.”

“OK, let’s get you cleaned up.”

She turned away from me to look through the mountain of supplies that she brought with her. Mary dipped a cloth in a bucket of water-which I didn’t see-to dampen it. She turned back to me, gave me an apologetic look, than started to clean the wounds.

* * *

I screamed so much that I think I must’ve past out, because the next think I knew I was sitting up in my bed, still not wearing anything, but had bandages and band aids where I was hurt.

“Oh good, you’re up,” said an unfamiliar voice.

 I turned around, slowly for I was still in so much pain, and saw a girl that looked about ten to fifteen years older than me, but was wearing the same uniform as I. She had a sad look in her dark brown eyes but was covered by a bright smile coming from thick pale lips. She was also covered by her shiny golden hair, which was covered in dirt.

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