Chapter two

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“Are you looking forward to your party tonight?” asked my mother. I turned around the see her leaning up against the door framed of my bedroom. She was wearing a long blue sleeved T-shirt with a greeny-brown cardigan over the top, and she had on blue jeans. I’d had to admit, it’s a cute outfit.

            “Of course I am,” I replied turning back around to finish applying my make-up.

            Once finished, I took a good long look at myself in my full body mirror. I had on black heeled knee-high boots, a black tight short sleeve T-shirt that really hugged my chest, and a dark blue pair of pants. My straight long brown hair hung perfectly around my hip’s curves, and I applied my make-up so that my blue eyes really stands out.

            “You look gorgeous sweet-heart,” spoke a familiar voice. Looking in the reflection of the mirror I can see that my dad has joined my mother and I in my room.

            “Thanks dad, what do you think mum?”

            “You’ve always looked beautiful,” she replied

            “Do you need me to drop you off?” asked dad.

            “No thanks, I’m getting a ride with Katie. But I do need someone to pick me up.”

            “Alright, your father and I will pick you up after.”

            “Thanks.” At that moment there was a loud honking noise announcing Katie’s arrival. “Bye mum, bye dad.” And I left to go have the best night of my life.

* * *

            As soon as I walked in the pub door at ‘I wish!’ I could berley hear what Katie and Lachlan were saying.

            “Oh my god! I can’t hear a thing!” I yelled, practically screaming at Katie.

            “Well, let’s go to our table then. It’s supposed to be…well, not as loud!” yelled a very jittery Lachlan.

            The table we got was at the very back of the pub away from all the noise but, of course the music was up loud enough that I could still hear it. There were four round tables set up for my party and all of them were basically full, there was still room for Katie, Lachlan and I.

            “Finally, you’re here,” cheered Zoe-Katie’s sister-running up to ambush me with hugs. Zoe had always seemed like my own little sister as well as Katie’s. Zoe is only at the age of fifteen, a bit young to be at a party that’s gonna be drinking, but she acts as though she’s eighteen herself.

            “Um, Zoe? You can let go of me now,” I said. Zoe was still clinging to me.

            “Oh sorry Jess,” she immediately let go and went off to her friends that came too.

            “I still think your sister is gay,” Lachlan whispered to Katie. I had the same suspensions too, but who cares if she’s gay or not. I heard a loud whack and a little sound like a yelp coming from Lachlan.

            “Stop saying my sister’s gay,” said a very irritated Katie.

            “Yeah, I mean who cares if Zoe really is gay, these nothing wrong with it,” I pointed out. Katie turned on me with a very scaring looking glare that I have always hated. “Would you please stop looking at me like that, it scares the shit out of me.”

            “Well then, stop saying my sister is gay.”

            “I’m not saying that she’s gay, I’m just saying that there’s nothing wrong with it if she is.” Katie scoffed and walked off to take her place at the table. Meanwhile, Lachlan had managed to shuffle himself over so he was standing next to me and whispered, “It’s OK Jess, Katie has anger issues remember.”

            “I know, all well, let’s go and enjoy my party.” Lachlan and I moved over to our seating places and instantly presents were shoved in front of me, ready to be opened.

            “Well, OK, that’s a lot of gifts,” Lachlan said, with his eyes widen in shock.

            “Hey, stop looking at my presents like that,” I quickly said, realising that at any moment I could lose all my presents and I could probably find them under Lachlan’s bed.

            I quickly opened all of my wonderful presents and placed them gently in a giant bag that my mother made me bring. Lachlan grabbed the bag and said that he was going to put them in the back of Katie’s car, for safe keeping. As he walked out I noticed a rather handsome boy fallow closely behind him, Katie saw as well. “I wonder what going on,” whispered Katie.

            “Me too, do you now that guy?” I asked, clearly talking about the guy who is still currently following Lachlan.

            “No, let’s go find out.”

            I agreed and slowly we walked farther behind, but both Lachlan and stranger were out of sight. The front doors of I Wish was swinging open and close like someone had just walked outside or walked in. Nudging my head toward the door, stating that they walked outside, Katie nodded in understanding and followed me and my curious mind.

            Outside we searched for Lachlan and saw him leaned up against Katie’s car, kissing the stranger, and when I say kissing I mean full on, tongues and everything. Both Katie’s and my mouths dropped open in shock, I’m surprised they didn’t drop all the way to the ground.

            The stranger opened his eyes, saw us and pushed Lachlan off him. Lachlan, clearly taken back by his action he turned to leave and saw us staring at the two of them, with our mouths still opened in shock.

            “Oh, umm, hi guys,” he stuttered.

Finally gotten passed the shock I asked, “Hi, umm, what’s going on?”

“Isn’t it obvious what he’s doing? He’s gay and his having a special moment with…I’m guessing this handsome gentleman is his boyfriend,” Katie said with a huge grin on her face. I looked between Lachlan and the stranger and both of them went so red you would think that they had tomatoes for their heads.

“Yeah, I got that. What I want to know is why our so-called best friend didn’t tell us,” I crossed my arms over my chest as I said this and gave Lachlan a full on scowl.

“Ok guys, calm down. I wanted to tell you but it’s not like I could’ve gone up to you and say: Hey guys, want to come over oh and by the way I like guys so…” Lachlan turned to leave and tugged on the stranger’s arm to follow, but I wouldn’t end this conversation with Lachlan leaving.

“Look we’re sorry, we’re just a bit angry with you not telling us,” Lachlan paused but didn’t turn back around, so I continued. “I don’t care that your guy, I’m sure Katie doesn’t care either, right Katie?”

“Yeah, that’s right. I don’t care,” this time Lachlan did turn around and smiled at both of us.

“Thanks guys,” he said.

“No problem, so are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend there?” asked Katie, tilting her head to the side to get a really good like at Lachlan’s sexy boyfriend.

“Oh right, umm, well this is Connor. Connor these are my best friends, Katie and Jessica.”

“Oh, I like the name Connor,” I rolled my eyes at Katie’s comment. All of us exchanged either handshakes or hugs, but I have a felling we’re all gonna have great fun tonight, epically Lachlan and Connor.

“Hey guys, I’ve really got to go to the toilet, I’ll be right back!” I called over my shoulder.

Spotting the bathroom I ran right through the door and into a free cubicle, thanking God that there was a free one.

Washing my hands once done, the lights went off and the only light was coming from the other side of the bathroom door. I started to stress, I was absolutely terrified of the dark, but I didn’t need to worry for long because not long after the lights went off something hard hit the back of my head sending me to the floor. The last thing I saw, was a big dark figure appeared, before the darkness over took me.

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