Chapter eight

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Jessica’s pov

            I gasped and he pounced.

            I also ran, trying to dodge his grabby claws and I literally mean claws. His fingernails grow until they were a centimetre long, not too long, but still scary.

            Running was pointless, but I had to try. But just as I ducked under him, he grabbed the back of my uniform causing me to fall backwards, landing on top of him.

            He instantly grabbed me, picking me up bridal style. I trying punching and hitting him, but it was like hitting a brick wall. He tossed me onto the bed and I crawled away, but he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me back towards him where he spread my legs apart.

            “No, please don’t!” I begged.

            No use, he either ignored me or he just couldn’t hear me.

            “Please let me go,” again nothing.

            Daniel flipped me onto my stomach, pushed my already short dress up over my hips, exposing my underwear which he ripped off in a second.

            And then the worse thing of all happened, Daniel plunged his cock deep into my body, over and over again he pulled back to only push back in.

            The pain off losing my virginity was unbearable, or maybe it was worse because I was losing it against my will. Either way, I kept on struggling, always hoping I’ll get free. But eventually I just gave up, I was too tried to fight anymore, and I just let Daniel do more despicable things to my body, things that I could never talk about.

            And then finally, I passed out.

* * *

I awoke with massive pains in between my legs. I sat up and found myself, not in my slave bed, but a big rich man’s bed. As I recalled last night’s events, I looked around for Daniel, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I looked down my legs and gasped. There was blood all over my vagina and blood stains on the black sheets. I couldn’t help but think of how hard it would be to get the blood out.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” I just kept repeating that, over and over again while I poured my eyes out.

I stopped crying because I heard a nose, it sounded like someone else was crying as well as me. I listened more, trying to find out where the noise was coming from.

I walked around the room, knowing that it was coming from somewhere on the right side of the room. This is where all the doors are. My curiosity level was through the roof, even though I was in so much pain, I really wanted to know who was crying.

I walked over to the walk-in cupboard; no one was in there so I closed the door. Next I went to the door leading out to the hallway, and looked out; again, no one was there. So that meant that whoever was crying was in the bathroom.

I went over to the bathroom door and listened. Whoever was in there was really upset. I walked in and was completely shocked by what I saw.

Instead of another pore girl that was raped, like me, there was a crying Daniel.

Daniel looked up and saw me with my mouth hanging open like a retard. The look on Daniel’s face made me forget all that he had done to me, and made me feel sorry for him. I’m not sure why I felt sorry, but the way his tears crept down his moist face and landed on his bare chest. Well, all I’m gonna say is that if you were in my shoes, you would feel the same way.

Scared, Hated, LovedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz