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(Nicole's POV)
After hours of crying I went to John's bus and grabbed my luggage "what are you doing?" Someone said I turned around it was john all sweaty and shirtless "I'm leaving" I said "don't please don't" he said "john you have a baby coming your way " I said ...

John stood silent I walked past him but he suddenly grabbed me by the wrist pulled me towards him and held my waist and kissed me but I pushed him away Immediately "don't ... I don't want this to be more painful then its already is" I said I kissed him on the cheek and left .....

I grabbed a taxi "where to miss?" The taxi driver asked "airport" I said then some one knocked on the window I turned around to see who it was it was Diego I rolled down the window "let me in" he said I opened the door he had his luggage already ...

I scooted over then we headed off the airport....

(John's POV)

It was useless I'm never gonna get nicole again I went over to Dana to settle things but I over heard her talking to someone one on the phone "they felt for that whole pregnancy shit" she said "I told you we were gonna get that money some how baby" she said I was furious my blood was boiling I walk over to her grabbed her phone and threw it "what the hell is your problem" she said ...

"I know everything about that whole pregnancy shit " I said furious "you ruined my relationship !!!!" I yelled "that's not my fault" she I was literally gonna rip her head off I grabbed her by the wrist "stay far away from me " I said firmly she nodded with fear and left immediately....

(Nicole's POV)
Before brie starts freaking out I texted her
N: hey
B:Nicole where the hell are you I been looking for you everywhere
N: I'm going back to Cali back to my apartment
B:I'll meet you there tomorrow since wwe is going over there
N:if john asks you where I am please don't tell him ...
B:ok well I gtg bye ....

And that's when our conversation ended "what's wrong babe?" Diego asked "why is love so hard" I said "I don't think love is hard love is when you found the love of your life" he said "I still don't understand still" I said "here's this quote"

"When I saw you I fell in love with you and you smiled because you knew"~william Shakespeare

After Diego said that quote it made me think when I met john he made me smile a lot he was the first person who really cared about me after thinking about it I still wanted to go home my apartment home this was too much when we arrived at the airport me and Diego went our separate ways I gave him the longest hug ....

(John's POV)

I finally arrived at the airport I was devastated Nicole was the first one I truly love then my eyes Brighten Nicole was sitting down using her phone I went to her until her flight was called well me and her had the same flight...


(Nicole's POV)
I was jet lagged after that 8 hour flight I finally arrived to my apartment it was cloudly I was moody from that whole situation from yesterday I needed a little me time I changed from my dress to a tank to and some nice booty shorts with a messy bun while sipping on some wine while reading a book I was waiting for brie I really needed some sister time....

After hours of waiting I finally heard someone knocking "finally brie I been wait--" as I opened the door I was shocked "john what are you doing here?.....


SHES ALL GONE (SEQUEL TO FIFTY SHADES OF CENA)Where stories live. Discover now