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(Nicole's POV)
"Diego is waiting for you ma'am" the lady said I quickly turned off my phone and followed the lady I thought this trip would be easy but I guess not "Mr diego you patient is here" she said as soon as I saw him he was wow ...

"Hi I'm diego Santos" he said as he shake my hand "hi I'm nicole" I responded ...

(John's POV)

I was in my bus getting prepared for match against Kane but mostly I was thinking about nicole I can't stop thinking about her not one second *knock, knock* "come in" I said while I was stretching I didn't see who it was until I turned around "did you miss me?" She asked "what do you want Dana ?" I asked..

"Nothing can't a girl check on her boyfriend" she said "I'm not your fucking boyfriend Dana" I said "john don't regret the fact that you enjoyed that sex we had" she said I stayed silent and I sat on the couch Dana was right I did like it but not as much as nicole and I had sex Dana suddenly came closer to me and kissed me...

I kissed her back I guess me and Nicole are over then...

(Nicole's POV)

"OK I'll be back in 5 minutes so you can get undressed and lay on massage table and my secretary will put the sheet on you" he said "ok " I said then Diego left I followed his orders his secretary came two minutes laters to put the sheet on my back, then 3 minutes later diego came..

I stayed silent laying on my stomach while diego started to rub my back "so um where are from?" He asked "I'm from Scottsdale Arizona" I responded "my cousin lives there I heard its hot over there " he said "it is" I said "wow you got a lot of knots on your lower back" he said so he began to press hard which made me moan under my breath "so uh what do you do for a living?" He asked.....

"I'm a wrestler" I responded "no wonder you looked so familiar " he said with a chuckle "yeah no wonder your having these knots" he added he began to massage my upper back which felt so good...

(John's POV)

Why do I feel guilty when I kissed Dana I mean I should just move on since nicole isn't gonna come back I kept thinking about this when I was wrestling Kane I mean its not bad is it moving from one woman to the next I ended the match with Kane giving me the chokeslam at the end of my win after the match I went backstage where Dana was waiting for me..

"You did amazing babe" she said as she gave me a kissed "thanks" I said as I kissed her back then as I turned around I saw brie staring at me with a disgusted face and she started to walk away "um Dana wait for me in the bus" I said "OK" she said as soon as she left I ran to brie "john im disappointed in you" she said "you can't control my life Brie" I said "no I can't I was gonna look for you and tell you that I heard from nicole " she said and left

I felt weight lifted off my shoulders ...

(Nicole's POV)

"Ok I'm finish ms nicole I'll leave so you can get dressed " Diego said "ok" I responded as soon as he left I got dressed I was thinking long and hard if I should text brie to tell her that I'm fine and I basically did but after that I turned off my phone so she wouldn't be asking questions *knock knock* "come in" I said

It was Diego he gave me the bill it wasn't that bad it was just ten dollars so I went to purse pull out my wallet and instead of giving him the ten I gave him a twenty "do you want change back?" He asked "no keep it" I said "um hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" He asked "um Im sorry Diego but I barely got out of a relationship" I said "how about as friends?" He asked "yea I would like that" I said I gave him my phone number and the address of the hotel I was staying in...

SHES ALL GONE (SEQUEL TO FIFTY SHADES OF CENA)Where stories live. Discover now