Chapter 7

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Hello,hope you enjoy this chapter and yea :) Btw, thanks for 50 reads! Ik that's not a lot but I'm glad that people are enjoying and reading this fanfiction. Sorry this chapter was late I was busy yesterday. :D


Natsu and I held hands as we walked over to our hotel.

"Did you have fun?" Natsu asked as he turned his head to me and smiled

"Yea, It was fun." I answered

"Well,that's good to hear"

All of a sudden, Natsu started to tickle me. I squirmed and laughed. 

"Natsu!" I said and playfully hit him.

He smiled and stopped tickling me and kissed me. I smiled and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. We held hands again and continued to walk back to the hotel.

(Time skip: 20 minutes)

We got back to the hotel in about 20 minutes. I swiped the card so that we can get into our room and I took off my earnings and went to take a bath. I took a bath and changed into some pajamas. Natsu had done the same and I went to lay down and wait for Natsu to finish. After 20 minutes Natsu had came out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed and snuggled me.

"You waited for me" Natsu said and smiled and kissed me on the fore head.

"Yea" I said and smiled back.

He got closer to me and we smiled at each other again. I always felt warm when I snuggle with Natsu. It felt like my mothers warm hands when she used to snuggle me. I started to cry a little but I held the tears back. I sniffled a little and Natsu heard it.

"Are you ok?" Natsu asked and looked at me.

"Yea, I'm fine" I responded and smiled

"Come on Lucy, have a little fun on this vacation don't be sad" Natsu sat up and looked at me.

"Ok I will" I smiled and sat up as well.

We talked and make funny jokes and read some manga that Natsu had packed in his bag. We watched lots of Tv and had a really great time together. Every time I'm with Natsu, It's always fun and never boring. Having him by my side is the best thing I could ever ask for. When my parents passed away, It was really hard on me. But, Natsu helped me to become stronger and helped me realize that I still have those memories of them and that's the piece of them that will always be by my side. We layed back down and talk a for a little bit. 

"Good Nig-.." Natsu said before falling asleep. 

He was so cute when he was sleeping. I let my fingers run trough his salmon hair and gave him a kiss on the fore head. I smiled and then I fell asleep.

(Time skip: 8:00AM)

When I got up I hear my vibrate. It was text message  from Levy. It said:

"Levy: Hey,Makarov had said everyone is to meet up in the front of the hotel so that we can all go to the pool. Bring a extra bathing suite,a towel, your phone and some sunscreen. Hope to see you soon :D"

I responded back to Levy and went to wake up Natsu. I kissed him on the fore head and he got up.

"Good morning princess" Natsu sat up and smiled

"Good morning my prince" I said and smiled.

"Were going to the pool with everyone so bring a extra bathing suite,a towel,your phone kay" I asked Natsu

"Kay!" Natsu said and jumped out of bed and gave me a kiss.

I got ready and so did Natsu. It was around 8:50Am we decide to get ready and we left the hotel. We walked outside of the hotel and saw Levy and Gajeel and others their. We left as soon as everyone got their. We walked for about 20 minutes and we got to the pool. It was a indoor and out door pool. Everyone split up to get changed. We all waited for everyone and we all went to the outdoor pool. Levy and I sat on the edge of the pool and put our feet in. Natsu and the boys went in the pool and splashed each other. It looked like they were having a fun time. Natsu saw me a and smiled and waved at my. Off guard, Natsu got hit with a beach ball by Gray. Natsu got all upset and started a mini fight with Gray. I laughed and Natsu saw me. He swam over to me and game me a little smile. He took me by my waits and pulled me in. 

"Natsu!" I Said and smiled

"Come one lets swim" He said and smiled. 

"But, I don't know how to swim" I said and gave him the puppy eyes. 

"I'll teach ya" Natsu swam back over to me and smiled.

I smiled back to me and he began teaching me how to swim.


Moshi moshi (Hello) Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry that it was late I was busy yesterday and I fell asleep early. I have decided to change my days to post. The new days are Tuesday,Thursday,and Saturday. So please keep in mind that the days have changed. So hope you enjoyed and I will  se you guys tomorrow (Maybe tomorrow or Thursday) Baiii ^-^ 

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