Chapter 9: Healing

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*****Heres Chapter 9 everyone! Sorry for the long wait! And I hope yall like this chapter!!

Comment and vote! Let me know what yall think of this chapter!!!

I might have Chapter 10 ready to post tonight! I will have to see!



 ~*P.S. I would like to point out something. I have recieved numerous comments about this and i would just like to point out that in Breaking Dawn, Edward told Bella that Renesmee has vampire skin and that they think nothing could get through it....but no one would dare test it..So they do not know for sure that is true. And also Renesmee is not as strong as a vampire but she is stronger than a human. So please stop with the comments that I am changing the character or what not. And also, this is a fan fiction, I am not Stephanie Meyers. So if the characters are different, thats why. I am trying to protray them as she did but you can't always protray a character exactly how they were written. Thank you for understanding and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter.*~

                                                                  Chapter 9

 As I saw my daughter bleeding out, I begin to panic. My daughter was going to die right here.
Edward picked Renesmee up and we took off in a flash, running to the hospital. We got there in 5 minutes. Carlisle was already waiting on us after Edwards’ call. Edward laid her down on the stretcher and helped Carlisle roll her inside the ER. Esme pulled up in the jeep right after they took her inside. She ran up to us “How is she?”

 “We don’t know anything yet. They just took her in” Alice responded.

 We walked in and waited in the waiting room. Edward cane out a few seconds later. He had a pained expression on his face. I flew to his side in a heartbeat.

 “What’s wrong? Is she ok?” I panicked again.

 “They are taking her into surgery right now. Carlisle said the knife punctured her appendix. They had to do emergency procedure to remove it” He explained to everyone.

 I couldn’t speak, I just stood there staring at Edward. His face was filled with sadness. He stared at me too and he went into each others embrace. I laid my head against his hest and sobbed cry less tears. Edward rubbed my back trying to soothe me

 “She is going to be ok” He whispered to me. I couldn’t answer, I just buried my face in his chest and he buried his in my hair. Esme came up and hugged us both.

 “She will be fine, kids” She said trying to comfort us.

 I saw Jake out of the corner of my eye. He had a blank look on his face as he paced around the waiting room. He hadn’t said anything after he passed back to human.

 After 2 hours, Carlisle came out to the waiting room. Everyone looked up instantly.

 “How is she? Can we see her?” Jake asked, speaking for the first time.

 “She’s resting. We got her appendix out in time and stitched her up cut. She had lost a lot of blood. We had to give her a few blood transfusions” Carlisle said.

 “What about her other injuries?” Rose asked.

 “Well, she has a few broken bones. Her right wrist is completely broke. Her left ankle has a crack in it and she has a couple broken ribs.” He explained to everyone.

 I gasped, my daughter was badly beaten. And all I could feel was guilty.

 “Beside that, she has a few bumps and bruises. Her worse bruise is on her face. “He stopped briefly when Edward, Jacob and I growled slightly.

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