Chapter 7: Finally Together

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***Ok I hope this is good and yall like it. Please comment and vote! Thanks!


Chapter 7

~~~Jacob’s POV~~~

Ness and I walked outside to the gazebo in the garden. We both sat down and I smiled at her.

“So…” She said breaking the silence.

I chuckled “So you’re probably wondering why I wanted to take a walk with you huh?”

“Yea I am” She replied. She looked so nervous, sitting there playing with the bottom of her shirt.

“Well I wanted to talk to you about..” I took a deep breath and looked down “everything that happened today. I wanted to apologize for how I acted, for upsetting you, for everything.”

“Jake, you have nothing to apologize for” I looked at her, shocked.. “I should have told you how I felt and not try to just push them away”

“Why did you want to push them away?” I couldn’t understand why she would want to do that.

“Well…I know that you are going to imprint on a girl someday and I didn’t want to fall in love with you just to get hurt.” She looked down at her hands, fidgeting. A trait she got from her mother.

I put my finger underneath her chin and lifted her face up to look at me. “I will never hurt you Renesmee. I won’t imprint on anyone else” I told her softly.

“But you don’t know that! You’ve told me it’s not something you can control!” She argued. And then I saw it all come together and click in her head.

“What do you mean by you won’t imprint on anyone else?” Curiosity strong in her voice.

“I mean I’ve already imprinted” I saw hurt cross her face and tears well up in her eyes. But I continued before she could say anything “I’ve already imprinted on the most beautiful, loving, caring person in the world. And I am looking right at her” I stared into her eyes.

She gasped and I could tell she was taken by surprised. “Me? When?”

I then explained to her how when I first saw her as a baby, I knew that she was the reason I was still here. I told her how, it wasn’t romantic at first, and it was never romantic until now.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why didn’t mom and dad tell?” She asked sounding alittle angry.

“We had all decided that we wouldn’t tell you so that you wouldn’t feel like you had no choice but to love me. We wanted you to figure out for yourself, if you loved me” I smiled at her.

Her face seemed to relax and she smiled back. “Well I guess I can’t be mad at that. Cause you guys were right, I would’ve felt like I was forced into loving you.” She chuckled.

“I’ve just been waiting for you to tell me if you liked me or not.” She blushed alittle.

“So your not angry at us?” I asked her as I stroked her cheek with my fingertips.

“Angry for what?”

“For not telling you, Ness”

“No I couldn’t be more happier than I am right now” She blushed even deeper. I love seeing her blush, it brings the beauty of her face out even more.

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