Car Chase

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"Mirai, there you are."
Matsuda crossed the road over to us, Matt was on his DS and Mello was eating his chocolate, still trying figure out where we were.
"Who there these two?"
Matsuda asked, glancing at Mello and Matt suspiciously,
"Are they the-"
"No! No!"
I cut him off, realizing what he was thinking,
"They were just hanging out in there, that's all."
I said uncertainly.
"Ok, well we should probably should-"


Matsuda was yet again interupted by the sound of screeching tires as a black van speed past us, down the road. It swerved from side to side as passing cars tried to get out of the way, only to crash into other cars.

"What the-"
"Come on! We need to catch them!"
I raced towards the car, followed by Matt who had no idea what was going on but was still up for a car chase and Mello who couldn't care less.
"Who the fuck was that?"
Asked Mello as we piled into the car,
"That's what we're about to find out,"
I said, slamming my door shut and starting the car.
"Mirai, how can you even be sure that that's them?"
Matsuda asked me, worried that we may be chasing some innocent elderly man who couldn't tell the difference between the accelerator and the brake.
"I'm not, that why were cashing them."

With that we began to speed down the road after the black van. I hit the brake as we swerved around a group of cars patiently waiting at the traffic lights, fortunately for us there was very little traffic that time.

"We're gaining on them!"
Matt said in excitement from his place in the passengers seat,
"Just a little bit further now..."


The car tires screeched underneath the vehicle as we turned a sharp corner, our car now zooming along a narrow lane, ahead of us the van seemed to be serving from side to side as if the driver was about to lose control.

Matsuda said, now extremely worried.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly I put my foot down on the accelerator full force. Soon the two cars were driving side by side, the vans windows were tinted so I couldn't see the criminal's face. Sparks flew off the side of our car as the van pressed against us, driving us towards the ditch at the edge of the road.

"Keep going!"
"Don't encourage her!"
"Would you two just shut the fuck up for one second!"
"You're going to get us killed!"

Suddenly the van broke away, I turned for a split second to what their deal was, when I turned back to road I saw that we had come to a dead end, as in a brick wall. After that there was only darkness.

One Hell of a Shinigami (Deathnote Fanfic)sequel to ITIMHAHAWhere stories live. Discover now