~Chapter Two~

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The next day you arrived at the address that Sensei gave you. You stood outside the building and read the sign. "Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo?" You read then shrugged. You entered the building to see Sensei Wu talking to a guy in a brown ninja Gi holding two suitcases.

They both stopped talking when they saw you. "Uh, 'scuse me for interruptin'." You say. "Nah that's okay, well! I'm off! Just don't destroy the place, okay." The guy says then waves goodbye to you and Sensei before leaving the building.

"So uh who was that?" You ask Wu. "That was Dareth, he is a great friend of the ninja and I. He is off for a family reunion which means we get the dojo to ourselves for training." Sensei explains. You nod in understanding. "So? Shall we begin?" He asks you, as he presses a button making a small course spin.

"Yup!" You say then jump on in. You run as it spins, you dodge the dummies that come but a third dummy came and you didn't see it coming. It hit you in the face then you fell on to the floor. "Fail." Sensei says.

"Look, just let me go again." You say getting up but just as yesterday, Sensei shakes his head no. "Today you fail. Tomorrow you will try again." He says as he gets up and leaves the dojo. Everyday as you trained you'd get hit and fall and sensei would always say. "Fail." Then make you do it again tomorrow. You were starting to want to give up but you refused to be let down like this. You'd train harder everyday and you'd had to admit, you were getting really good.

Today you were determined to finish the course. "Begin." Sensei says and you jump on in. You jumped over the planks, you dodged the swords, you kicked through the dummies and you successfully completed the course. You look at Sensei and smile at him. "So? How'd I do? Am I 'Ninja Material' now?" You ask him. He gives you a small smile.

"You've only scratched the surface of being a ninja, you still have a long Journey to go through. But after what you just did, I am proud to say that you are now a Spinjitzu Master." He says and you cheer. "I can do Spinjitzu now!? Yo that's dope! Haha." You say and Sensei raised his eyebrow in confusion at your words.

You tried spinning but you fell to the floor. "You said I could do Spinjitzu!?" You said. "Spinjitzu will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found. Tomorrow you will try something new." Sensei says then heads out of the dojo. You cheer then head to your car and drive home.

When you arrived you called everyone for a family meeting. "Omg yo! I LEARNED SPINJITZU!!!" You say in excitement and your family cheers and gives you a hug. "That's great honey!! Sensei Wu sure knows what he's doing!" Your dad says. "I sure hope so." You say with a chuckle. "I'm so proud of you baby! I knew you'd be a great ninja!" Your mom says.

"Yo! The day my sister becomes a woman! Spinjitzu?! Yo that's tight!" Your brother says and gives you a high five. You even called up Mikaela to tell her the great news! "AHHHHH!!!" "AHHHHH!!!" You both scream. "No way!!!! What color is it?! What's it look like?!" She asks you. "Well uh, I didn't really do it. He said somethin' bout' a key that will be ready when found??" You say.

"Well you could ask Jay Walker what the key is!" She says and you roll your eyes. "Girl, are you readin' your all about the ninja magazine again?!" "Mayyybbeee! It says that Jay was the first of the ninja to figure out the key to Spinjitzu!" If it was anyone who knew anything and everything about the ninja, it was Mikaela.

"Well I ain't meetin' any of them till I am officially a ninja." You say. "Yeah, yeah I know. But whyyyy!!!" "Girl! I'm in my terrible state right now! I don't want them to think I'm stupid!" "It's okay!! Every beginner when they first start out on something is in they're terrible state! But you're getting better right!?" "Well I still don't wanna see them yet." "Is this because your worried you might fangirl in front of them because it's totally okay! I'll definitely be there when you meet them!" She says

"No! Girl I just said why." She sighs on the other line. "Fine. AHHHH OMG!!" You roll your eyes and chuckle. "You came across the Lloyd Garmadon page didn't you." You ask while she squeals. "YES! OH MY GOSH HE'S JUST SO HOT! HIS HAIR, HIS GI, HIS EYES, HIS BODY!!!" "Girl I did not call you to tell me everythin' that you see when you first look at a Lloyd poster!!"

"But! But!" "Nope! Save it girl!" "Doh fine! I'll have to resist." You say and you chuckle. "Good!" The next day Sensei did teach you something new. He tested you as you broke boards, used weapons, balance on planks and learning different fighting stances.

"Impressive, you have the strength of earth, endurance of fire, sincerity of ice, but you are not very fast as lightning. A ninja must be quick on their feet! You are not quick enough. I believe I will have to get one of my pupils to come in and assist you." Sensei says. Your mouth drops open, "But Sensei!" "Buts are for sitting. Return tomorrow then we will see if you will improve." Sensei says then exits the dojo.

"Great, juuusssttt great." You say with a sigh and return to your car. When Sensei arrived home he went up to Jay's room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Jay says from the other side. Sensei opens it up and sees that he's playing a video game.

"Jay, we need a talk." He says. "Okay Sensei. Buutttt just wait a couple more minutes because I'm almost on level 5!!" He says with a wide grin. Wu grabs the remote and turns off the tv. "Or we could uh, talk now hehe." "I am teaching the master of the voice the art of being a ninja but she is not very....fast. Come tomorrow at Dareth's dojo to help her out."

"Woah woah woah wait! Master of the Voice?? So she's related to the master of sound??" Jay asks. "Sound is something you hear with your ears is it not? Your voice is a weapon itself, one can change pitch or make it soft or loud. Both are not the same." Wu explained. "Ohhh okay cool! Well yeah sure I'll help! Now can I pleaassseee get back to fritz donagan 2?!" Sensei turns the tv back on then thanks the ninja before leaving the room.

A/N: Ik its short but the next chapter should be longer lol. Btw I won't put up anything in the bonus book today but maybe tomorrow :) Pic of the top is of Jay! 😍 lol song is I'll Make a Man Out of You by Donny Osmond from Disney's Mulan :3 lol it's a small joke XD but play it if you want XD I mean if this chapter involves training why not do it in style! XD and just another thing, this story will have A LOT of songs haha you can pretty much tell why ;) anywho! Vote and comment! :D

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