Chapter 5

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We pull up to a medium, blue house on a corner of a street. I assume it's Ian and Melanie's house. As we walk toward the house, three people emerge from the front door. There was an older man, probably Anthony's age, a women and a teenage boy. The man has light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. The women has dirty blonde hair and sweet, gentile eyes. The teenage boy looked about my age. He has chocolate brown hair with sparkling, hazel eyes. 

"Hey Ian! Hey Mel!" Anthony and Kalel sang simultaneously 

"Hey guys!" Melanie sang back

"Guys, this is Trinity!" Anthony gestured to me. All I did was smile. 

"This is Charlie!" Ian said. I looked at him. He is so gorgeous. Ok, stop, Trinity. 

"Shall we go in?"  Ian chuckles. We all fill into his living room. It's a small room that flows into the kitchen. There's a large tv in the center of the living room. Under the tv, Ian has an xbox 360, PS3 and Wii as well as a million games for each. The walls are a burnt red which remind me of Autumn. 

"Charlie, why don't you show Trinity around the house?" Melanie chirps. Charlie and I make eye contact. It's almost like we were agreeing with each other. 

"Follow me" Charlie says. I can't help but to smile at his deep dimples. 

He tours me through the house, talking about each room and bathroom. We stop at the end of a long hall. Charlie pauses and looks at the white door. 

"And my room." He says with a smirk. The walls are a dark blue, and the floors are a light wood. His bed is in the middle of the room, facing a dresser. 

"So, how were you dragged into the Big Sister, Little Brother project?" I ask

"I was arrested and my parents thought this would be a good idea. They said it'll change my ways."

"You were arrested? For what?" 

"Spray painting the mayor's house" He said, chuckling. 

"Oooh, you're a bad kid!" I laugh

"You know, you're really pretty." He says, walking toward me.

"Thanks, you're attractive, yourself." I say, as Charlie approaching me.

He then does something I never would have expected. He stood very close to me, and looked down into my eyes. 

He moved my hair out of my face and cupped my face with his left hand. My heart started to beat faster. Would he really do this? We barely know each other. Hell, we've barely met

His dimples disappeared as his face went serious and his eyes closed. Charlie started moving closer to my face. He wouldn't do this? Would he



I'm so sorry this is short!!! GUYS I've had over 220 reads!! THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333




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