Chapter 7

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...I open my eyes. I'm in my bed, pillows askew and blankets on the floor. I'm sweating...a lot. There's a light glow coming from my window, so it's either dusk or dawn. I look over at my clock, 6:23 am. God, its so early. I lay there, thinking about my dream. Does that mean I'm nervous?

Slowly getting out of bed, I spot a piece of paper to the right of me, on my desk.

 All-day work for smosh today. We'll be home by 12 tonight. I'll call you around 11. Be safe -Anthony and Kalel

I have the whole house to myself. I rush to call Charlie but realize that it's merely 6:30 in the morning and he's probably not up. I decided to text him, inviting him over.

We could make pancakes together, having a whipped cream fight.

We could play music loud and just dance.

We could order pizza and watch movies all day.

We could play hide and seek.

We could go for a walk to the park and watch the birds fly.

We could prank call local business's and laugh at the stupidity. 

We could kiss under a tree outside as the bird are chirping in perfect harmony.

We could have a warm body but ice cold feet.

Wait, what? 

The I realize I was pouring a glass of orange juice, spilling it onto my feet. That's embarrassing. 

As I reach for a paper towel, my phone buzzes rapidly. It's Charlie calling. 

"Hello?" I answer, wiping my feet. 

"I'll be over in 20 minuets. Wanna make pancakes?" My eyes light up. 

"Uh, sure! See you then." I respond, mopping up the floor. 

"Alright." And click. 

I rush over to my room to get ready, knock over my glass of orange juice. UUUGGGHHH. That's just my luck. And now I have to spend five minuets mopping up a whole glass. That's just awesome. 

After what seemed like days, the floor was clean. 

Now, what do I wear? 




Thank you all for all the wonderful comments, it really makes my day!  



GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!

you're beautiful <33333333333333

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