Chapter 2

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It's now Saturday. Three more days until my sad, little plane leaves my town and off to California. It's always been a small dream of mine to move to California. I haven't told Ivy yet, so I call her and invite her to hang out. 

"Yeah, sure!" She says. Perfect, she's in a god mood. 

"Pick me up in an hour? Then we'll figure out something." I propose. 

"Okay!" She says and we both hang up.

I had to decide what i was going to wear. I look through my closet, pushing hangers of random clothes to the side. I decided on going casual. I put on light blue skinny jeans with a red blouse. I then slip on white heels, making sure there aren't any scuffs. My hair was already done from this morning, so I just comb it out. 

"MOM!" I call 

"Yes, Darling." Yup, even my mom calls me that sometimes. I bet she caught on form Ivy

"I'm going to hang out with Ivy and tell her about California.." 

"Okay! Call me when you're coming home." 

* * * 

We decided on having dinner at Outback. 

"I have to tell you something" I said, after ordering our food.

"Go for it, Kid" 

"Okay, well, I...uhh.."

"Spit it out!" She said, laughing.

"I'm doing this Big Brother, Little Sister thing and I- I'm moving to California for it."

Her smile turned to a cold stare. I felt her pain. Tears welded up in my eyes. I hadn't realized until this very moment that I'd have to leave everything. My school, my mom, family, friends but more importantly, Ivy.

"Trinity, I-. When are you leaving?" Ivy choked out behind a tear. 

"Three days..." I nearly whispered, looking down at the table.

I looked into her eyes. We got up at the same time and hugged. People stared to stare but, I really didn't care. 

"I promise I'll call you and text you as much as I can, Darling. I'll send you pictures and videos and all that bull." I said. 

"Do you promise? How long will you be away? I'll visit you!"

"Uhm, I think until the end of the summer? I'm not sure." 

"Dude, that's like six months! How am I gonna, BREATH without you for six whole months!!!!" 

I giggled.

"No worries, dude. I GOTCHU"

.We ate and left. Once i got home, i changed and plopped onto my bed. I immediately fell asleep.

* * * * * * * 

I leave for California tomorrow morning. I admit, I'm scared. I'm leaving literally everything to live with some people I've never met before. Even though i back-round checked both Anthony and Kalel, it's still really scary. What if they don't like me? *beep beep beep* I hear the microwave go off. I had some mac and cheese in there an couldn't wait to eat it. I ran to the kitchen. Passing the table, I stubbed my toe on a chair. 

"FFFFUUUUUUUUUUdge" I said as my mom walked into the room. Phew, I almost said fuck in front of my mom. That would have been interesting. 

"You alright?" She asked. 

"Yeah, fine. I just stubbed my toe." i said, holding my foot. 

* * 6:00 AM

My alarm blared loudly, telling me it was time for California. Ivy would be here in fifteen minuets. She and my mom would take me to the airport. I knew for a fact It would be hard to leave them. I rolled out of bed, literally. I ran to the shower. My last shower in this house for six months. After, I pulled my hair into a sock-bun. My airplane attire was no makeup, sock-bun, cropped yoga pants with a hoddie, and moccasins. I heard a knock at the door. It was Ivy. She pulled my into a hug and helped my zip my bags. All six of them. Yes, I had six, large suit cases. I guess you can say seven if you count my carry-on. 

As we left, I looked at the house. I was gonna miss it. I looked at Ivy, then my mom. We walked out to the car. It was real now. I can't really turn back. 

"Are you excited!?" Ivy asked, breaking the heart wrenching silence in the car.

"More nervous than excited, to be honest." I've never met this guy, Anthony, or this girl, Kalel. I was a little worried. What if I don't like them? Worse, what if they don't like me? It's a little weird that the Big Brother, Little Sister thing made me go to California. 

"Trinity?" My mom said, cutting off my thoughts. 

"What?" I looked away from the window. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Listen, mom, why did they ship me off to California? That's a little far away, don't you think? I mean, couldn't they have done it locally?" I saw Ivy look at my mom, just as curious as I was. 

"I-uh, well, you see, uh- They-They probably only had that option. I did sign you up rather late..." She started to shake a little. The anxious type of shaking.

"Oh.." I said, and look at Ivy. We both gave each other a 'What the hell?' type of look. 

"HEEEERE!" My mom yelled.

"Oh....god.." I said. I didn't want to go. But, I had to. I know it would do good for me. 

We went through everything, getting the tickets, picking my seat, send in my bags, and sat at the gate. There was this brisk sadness in the air. Not literally. But, you know what I mean. 

"Hey, Darling, wanna go get Starbucks?" i asked. Ivy nodded to me and we walked into the little airport Starbucks. We ordered and sat back at the gate. This day, there were a lot of lasts. For the time being. We hadn't talked until my flight got called for boarding. I knew that if I tried to say anything, I'd burst into tears. 

"Flight number 926, you may now board your flight. First class, you will board first." That was me. First class. It was a long flight so, I guess it was kinda necessary. It was also my mom kissing up to me. I looked at Ivy and my mom. We all starting crying at once. I hugged my mom first. It was a long-ish hug with a kiss at the end. Then Ivy. God, would I miss her. We hugged, sobbing into each other's shoulder. 

"Bye, guys. I love you, Mom. I love you, Ivy." I choked out. 

We hugged the last time. I gave the women at the entering gate and looked back, waved good-bye to my life and walked onto the plane. 


I really tried to make this long! 


Don't forgeeeet! 


Big Brother, Little Sister (A Smosh Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang